Hey! I've friended you because we seem to have a lot of things in common, and you have some terrific bands listed in your userinfo.
I think you had me friended a while back because of h!chat, but I've only recently gotten around to dusting off my ridiculously stagnant LJ. Hope that I might be more entertaining this time around.
I think I read your blog at echo-pepper.net. It was so long ago, but it sounds familiar. Anyhow, I found you through iridescentglow and I'm friending you because you put Wilco on your interests.
Just letting you know that I friended you. We seem to have a lot of similar friends and interests. And you have River in your layout. So you = awesome. :D
Comments 48
I think you had me friended a while back because of h!chat, but I've only recently gotten around to dusting off my ridiculously stagnant LJ. Hope that I might be more entertaining this time around.
Let's talk, I adore that show - and a disappointing s3 has just redeemed itself with that one :)
Found you browsing fellow Press Gang fans but ooooh the pinkness and gorgeousness of the layout...would love to have a read !
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