Picture meme time

Jul 26, 2009 23:47

I've had my eye on this meme for a while, so I thought I'd finally do it XD Pretty sure it's self-explanatory, ha. A bunch of you people on the ol' F.L. have done this, and come to think of it, I probably ended up using one or two of the same pictures. Oops.

* Post ten of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self- ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

oddrid July 27 2009, 13:21:20 UTC
Hahaha that boyfriend list is amazing. I also love what I am assuming is the American version of Pokemon, I've never seen that! LOL


lashia69 July 27 2009, 15:41:55 UTC
I love the boyfriend list, because it's like, exactly what I'm looking for, right down to the SPORTS (except baseball) hahaha!

And the Pokemon one is pretty intense, eh? Like POKEMON IN YOUR FACE FUCKER!!!!!!! Which is pretty much how I feel when I'm playing Pokemon XD


aurora_84 July 27 2009, 13:36:54 UTC
The 'time' and action figure!Ash ones are amazing. I was thisclose to including the xkcd kitty graph.


lashia69 July 27 2009, 15:43:03 UTC
Haha, the Kitty Graph is the best XD So true, so true. And whoever thought of doing that chalkboard stuff for the "Time" macro is genius!


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