Important Reminders

Nov 16, 2010 12:37

As these issues frequently recur, I want to reiterate these important notes. ALL members should read these, whether you are new or returning.

01. You can send your entry in a txt file, WORD or the body of the email -- it doesn't matter to me as long as it's formatted correctly and I can read it.

02. Make sure to include the header at the top of the entry. I get many emails with the body but no header.

03. Make sure to keep the header exactly as is. Meaning, copy and paste it from the challenge post including all the html tags for the bolding. Just fill in your own info after it, as illustrated in the following correct & incorrect examples.

Single Fandom Comms
Name: needtakehave
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
Sam I Am
Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships: Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Multi Fandom Comms
Name: needtakehave
Show: Roswell
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
Show: Roswell
Sam I Am
Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Show: Roswell
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships: Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Name: needtakehave
Fandoms: Roswell/Twilight
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
Sam I Am
Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Fandoms: Roswell/Twilight
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships: Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Name: needtakehave
Fandom: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Sam I Am
Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Fandom: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships: Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Name: needtakehave
Movie: Inception
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
Sam I Am
Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Movie: Inception
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships: Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Name: needtakehave
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Kink: Spanking
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
Sam I Am
Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Story Title: Sam I Am
Characters/Relationships: Blue, Brown, Blue/Brown
Kink: Spanking
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: N/A

Name: needtakehave
Story Title: Sam I Am
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

Incorrect #1
Need, Take, Have
Sam I Am

Incorrect #2
Name: Need, Take, Have
Story Title: Sam I Am
Rating: R
Warnings: N/A

04. BETA's are NOT allowed. After you send me the draft you want submitted as an entry, then sure, feel free to send it to your beta, if you have one. Do NOT send me a beta-ed version though. These are suppose to be your original, first versions. Yes, I know, everyone loves to have something pretty and perfect. I don't allow beta's because We want YOUR work, not a beta's. Many beta’s go beyond simple spelling/grammar/punctuation checks and rearrange words or suggest alternates, up to an including the addition or elimination of whole paragraphs which drastically change the story.

05. PLEASE, make sure you have the warnings line in the header. Over half the entries I get don't have it. I realize you may not have any warnings, but in that case just put a 'N/A' after it but don't leave it out entirely!

06. PLEASE, make sure to put an extra space between every paragraph and dialogue. It makes it so much easier for the voters to read. Otherwise, we have really smashed together entries and it makes the eyes cross.

07. I've been asked a lot if there is an official list of shows allowed within the multi fandom communities. Find it here.

08. Writers repeatedly ask how to ask for feedback from the votes and when to expect it. To request VOTE FEEDBACK, go to the results post AFTER the results are posted up until the following Wednesday) and reply to the VOTE FEEDBACK comment with your username. The following WEDNESDAY, I will email them to you. Ignore my own comment with a "..." which is simply a placeholder for my own use, marking that I wrote down all the names of writers who asked for feedback up to that comment

09. I know people are having trouble with the rating system -- which rating to use for what so I am posting this below to help.

- PG: No cursing, no sex and/or no violence.
- PG-13: Contains some cursing and/or some violence.
- R: Contain adult themes, lots of cursing and/or lots of violence.
- NC-17: Contains sex, extreme adult themes, extreme cursing and/or extreme violence.

10. Make sure your word count is 1,000 words or less by using this tool. It is what I use for the official count.

11. PLEASE, PLEASE use this page to SPELL CHECK your entries. There is absolutely NO reason you should not do this to make sure your entry is properly spell checked!


01. Please copy and paste the EXACT form I give you to vote with, instead of just typing it out yourself. Typing the form results in missed tags, typos and other things that cause confusion and missed items.

02. Please copy and paste the name of the story from the voting entry EXACTLY so that when I tally the votes I can search for the EXACT title that was given to me by the author and will not miss them. Failure to do so may add hours to the vote tally process for EACH comm.

NOTE: More may be added as needed.

o: misc

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