Title: The Lightning Storm Fandom/Claim: Lost/Daniel Faraday Rating: PG Prompt: 3. Equilibrium Summary: When it rains, he can almost remember what he has lost
This was so good! I liked how you wrote it from inside of Daniel's head, I could totally empathize with him! So sad that he can't remember Charlotte! But I loved how you used the Queen of Diamonds as a sort of euphemism for her. :)
Aw, this was wonderful. It's so sad, this Charlotte-less Daniel. =( I love how something as simple as rain can trigger memories of the island and everything. I realy liked the comparison of rain to Charlotte's eyes, and how he remembers Charlotte the most fondly... goodness, I read it again, and this is so great. Anyway, lovely fic. And your first, too, eh? =D Can't wait for more from you.
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