Title: Losing All Touch
Fandom/Claim: Lost/Daniel Faraday
Rating: PG
Prompt: 14. Enantiomers
Summary: Wherein Daniel makes a promise he knows he can't keep
Before Eloise died, Daniel remember holding her, and stroking her small head. It was the first time Daniel had actually hurt another creature in his scientific endeavors. He cried when she died.
Now - which oddly enough is before Eloise died, so perhaps his sweet labrat was not the first creature he hurt after all. Of course, this was not really Daniel’s fault, per se - now he sat stroking Charlotte’s hair as she bled and dithered in front of him.
Daniel did not fancy the sight of blood.
“Charlotte, it’s-it’s going to be okay. I-I… I’ll figure something out. Please don’t leave me.”
He remembered apologizing over and over again to Eloise. He wondered if she trusted him to make everything all right again.
This was different though. He, he knew more now. Additionally, this was not his fault. If he could just understand more, if he knew more.
He was from a world of equations and numbers. He studied the framework of existence. In it, he knew where everything fell into place. She was from a world of dust and bones. She studied the basis of the present. She was from the concrete world, while he inhabited the abstract. The abstract was swallowing her whole, though, and Daniel didn’t know if he could fix it.
And she would leave him.
After Desmond left to find his constant, Daniel returned to Eloise. He covertly buried her in the courtyard, under some shrubbery. Daniel wanted her to be somewhere nice, somewhere she would have liked. The next day he returned to his work, and it took him awhile to realize that when he talked through his theories, he was now only talking to himself. The rat cage stood stark and empty.