I went to a party at Fabians house..oh.. and David was there along with oliver!!mm mmm good!
That was the group that was at Fabians house.. I would tell u everyones name, but I don't know them all! and let me get the facts straight... that thing that looks like a bong (so to speak) its not. they smoke their tobbacco out of it.. like some have flavors and they do it cus they say its cheaper.. i kept asking question.. but I was good at the party so no worries!!
Franziska, Rhianne and I... my fat self.. but thats okay..
I love the pictures!!
There is Rhainne, she was playing QUARTERS.. and she was drunk.....
I didn't take this pictures.. Franziska did! but kai was playing QUARTERS as well and he was losing so he was drunk and he spilled some of the bier (beer).. but it looks like he pissed himself.. poor kai too.. cus he went on a date that day and it didnt go well.. DUDE it ws a 6 hour date.. that a long time.. man i wanna go on a date that long!
I love this picture... u know why... cus David is in it! no.. and cus its a great pictures! okay I'll go from left to right!
Franziska, David (oh so HOT), Fabian and Rhianne!!
awesome!! I love it!
Franziska took that picture.. I'm not gonna say anything.. it speaks for itself!
No their not gay and yes their both drunk and poor kai wanted to sleep.. hehe!
as we were leaving, kai grabbed frannys legs and she fell.. its not what it looks like.. but its funny! I love them! and I'm going to miss them so much!!
The window was open so I ran to it and I yelled " COPS!!" and they looked so I took the pictures! awe, isnt David so hot... well i sure do think so!
We went to Manheim 2day! and we went to this museum that was kinda like MOSI only better!! Way better!! check it out!
okay!! here we go!!
LOOK!!!! I built a bridge... how awesome is that.. well I sure do think its awesome!!
I put my hands on this static thing and it made my hair stick up.. it was awesome.. so my hair wasnt really sticking up afterwards but it was still funny.. well I think so... as least!!!
DUDE, I'm so midgit!! thats awesome! okay.. let me tell u how this thing works.. so u stand by the wall and u can push all of these different buttons to change the screen.. we happen to find the midgit one! so yeah there we are! we're awesome!!!
I forget his name.. but he was a smart MAN!!!! haha!
Looks its the BOYS Now!! from left to right
Meathook, Jonathan, Kevin (or baby sheelbach) and Drew!
NICE, okay.. from left to right again!!
Iga (not Inga), Rhianne, Megan, Caitlin, Jamison and Kara!
ahh yes.. the joys of being in a train... NOT.... okay
Caitlin, Drew, Megan and I!! we look HOT hahahahahhaahhaahah!
Thanks guys for the commercial!!
look thats awesome.. I coca cola and Pepsi comm. in one!! yeah! its cus I'm the master.. and then there Drew.. he was trying to be sesexy for the camera.. but it just wasnt working..
and all of us waiting to the train to go home cus we all wanna SLEEP.. let me fill u in on a little tip.. u wont sleep it u come here.. I think I've slept all about 5 hours and I've been here 8 days!!!!
yeah.. thats all i have.. 2morrow we are going to a consentration camp... thats going to be a little scary.. but I can handle it!
I'll see u all soon.. i hope!! bye bye
do it.... DO IT NOW:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!