and another...

Feb 04, 2007 16:01

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Have you ever seen ardently_alive naked?nopeWhat is deadxendxmoon's religion?facebook says Christian (in slightly different words...)What does water_neko look for in a significant other?ummm... a love of similar interestsWhat is freak_for_scifi's favorite song?...idk... maybe the song Eowyn sings in Old Englsih in LotR... or is it Middle English? I forget...renessa47 is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?I go in and find her of course, and then we try our best to get out... hopefully not meeting that faun from Pan's Labrynth... since I suck at spanish and thats aparrently all he speaks....Could you take escafanatic421 in a fight?hmmm he fences... probably not... heehee and I don't get in fights much... my goal is not to get kicked out of Karate (you start fights you get kicked out since it's for self-defense)What does veritas_seeker spend the most time doing?ummm..... seeking truth... heehee... and college stuff...
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?
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