[The new man in quarantine is quiet. Not frightened- there are no nervous tics or glances, everything is controlled. But rather than yell or moan he has drawn into himself, sitting slightly hunched over with his back to the wall
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Mine and my brother's, inasmuch as we have authority. I apologize for holding you there, but the necessity is undeniable. You should be released in a few days.
[In person]brainetarianJanuary 9 2011, 17:46:35 UTC
[A knocking noise comes from one of the cells opposite, if Jim looks out his door then a note is being thrust though the hatch of the other door saying "Welcome." The hand holding it is grey and lifeless.]
Comments 18
Five. You're welcome to leave if you'd rather brave the wilderness without us; we don't force anyone to stay.
but then, dryly-] I'll brave the five days.
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