paradise lost

Nov 06, 2005 22:34

from book viii... about eve.

For well I understand in the prime end

Of nature her th’inferior, in the mind

And inward faculties, which most excel,

In outward also her resembling less

His image who made both, and less expressing

The character of that dominion giv’n

O’er other creatures; yet when I approach

Her loveliness, so absolute she seems

And in herself complete, so well to know

Her own, that what she wills to do or say,

Seems wisest, virtuousest, discreetest, best;

All higher knowledge in her presence falls

Degraded, wisdom in discourse with her

Loses discount’nanced, and like folly shows;

Authority and reason on her wait,

As one intended first, not after made

Occasionally; and to consummate all,

Greatness of mind and nobleness in their seat

Build in her loveliest, and create an awe

About her, as a guard angelic placed.

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