Mar 02, 2010 21:50

Would you ever do a threesome?
probably. but I doubt the situation will ever come up.

Have you ever overheard your parents having sex?
plunketts are non sexual beings.

While playing truth or dare, do you usually pick truth?

Do you like to wear dresses?
yes i always want more of them

Do you have an alarm clock to wake you up?

Are you expecting a phone call?
nope. which is a weird thing to get used to, after living in constant apprehension

Facial hair on guys: Yes or no?
yes. and helen, i agree, paul curreri is so fucking adorable. i'm going to turn on 'california' right now because of it.

Do you like your hair?
not anymore

Do you like going to parties?
not really

Was the last person you hung out with older or younger than you?

Describe how you feel right now in one word:

Did you have a better day yesterday or today?
Today i suppose, despite yesterday's beautiful weather.

Your significant other leaves you for their ex, you do what?
ha, still working on it, so i'll get back to you. my current coping stratagem is a nice mental image of stomping on thomas' balls.

Is it snowing right now?
no, though it smells sort of like it might

02. What was the last book you finished? What book are you currently reading?
infinite jest re read, to impress my brother. i'm pathetic.

03. Do you play The Sims 2 or 3?

07. Have you ever painted a picture?
never of my own volition. sketched, a little.

08. What is your favorite cereal?
special k or vanilla almond granola

09. Do you play games on the Interent often?

13. What type of building do you live in?
A big one

14. Do you edit pictures before you let people see them?
i don't take many pictures

15. What kind of decorations do you have in your room?
minimal ones. i lack attention to detail in everything, aesthetics included.

16. Do you get along with your siblings, if you have them?
my brother dave is my favorite person in the world. and i'd say the rest of us get along all right.

18. Have you ever listened to Passion Pit or Vampire Weekend?
columbia ensures this.

19. How many plays does your favorite band have in your music player?
weirdly it's apparently the smiths, with 266 listens

20. Did you go to school today?

21. What does the last hat you wore look like?
knit, greyish.

23. What song are you currently listening to?
the paul curreri song just ended.
now it's morrissey, 'let the right one slip in'. i guess the smiths thing is true.

24. Do you have any important engagements later today?
hopefully eating a muffin. my life is sad.

Where are your parents?

Are you singing along to anything right now?
leeet the riiiight one innn letttt the old dreams die

What are your thoughts on the Find A Way video by The Used?

Did you dream at all last night?
this morning, i woke up and decided to skip class. then i had a dream wherein later on in the morning i felt really guilty for skipping class. this caused me to wake up, consider whether or not that was a bad omen, and then go back to bed.

What time did you wake up today?
9 ish

If invited on a band's tour bus, would you take the offer?
if i liked them

Are you talking to anyone online?

Who is the bassist in the song you are listening to?
dunno who did the bass on your arsenal.

Last song you sang in the shower?
gillian welch i think

Any memories from the shirt you are wearing?
I bought it last year. it's skanky, so that has some memories.

Have you ever been to Manhattan?
i'm there now.

Is there a stuffed animal you still take places with you?
creamsicle is chillin' on my bed at home. i miss him.

Last insult you received?
i get a consistent barrage of passive ones, so it's hard to remember.

Is there something else you should be doing?
always, and i never do it.

What season were you born in?

What have you eaten today?
um, no breakfast, pizza for lunch, yogurt for dinner. i'm too lazy to go shopping.

Last thing you watched on television?
shit. i'm missing lost right now.

Who did you last talk to on the phone?

Last thing that made you smile?
somethin' rivkah said, probably.

At concerts, do you buy merchandise?
often. sometimes i finagle other people into getting the things for me, which is cool too.

Is there a sport you like to play?
soccer a whole lot.

Are you a lazy person?
i wish i weren't

Is there something you don't need, but get anyway?
way too many things

Your best friend hooks up with the last person you kissed.. what now?
ha. mira and thomas? probably not.

Ever kissed anyone that starts with a N?

Have you baked food with anyone lately?

Your single aren't you? Why?
'cause i was unhappy in my last relationship? and the dude i have a crush on is so awkward he may be functionally retarded?

Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a M?
he has an M in his name?

Where would you rather live, England or Australia?

What day of the week does your birthday fall on this year?
hah. i wouldn't have known if not for helen, which is helpful. so a monday.

If a homeless man asked you for a dollar, would you give him one?
if i had one readily available...

Do you think you'll be single for the rest of the year?
whole year? maybe not. school year? probably definitely.

How do you feel about your hair right now?
awful. always.

Would you rather be called honey or baby?
i kinda like babe.

Is your current hair color your natural hair color?

Will tomorrow be a good day?
um. i'll watch the lost episode i'm missing right now? yeah, sad.

When you're getting ready for something, do you listen to music?
there's basically not a moment i'm not listening to music, if i can help it.

Taco Bell or Olive Garden?
neither. too much nausea.

Could you eat nothing but grilled cheese for a week straight?
if that was all i had in the kitchen.

So, do you have brown eyes?
fuck that shit.

Is there any alcohol in the fridge?

How many tattoos would you like to have?

Do you think that your first love affects the way you go on with life?
everything affects the way you go on with life.

Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out?
it's my favorite

Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone?
no. nail polish, maybe? though not intended to be returned.

What makes you mad about most girls?
nothing? at least, not girls specifically. people on the whole make me mad often though.

Do you hate it when someone capitalizes the first letter to every word in a sentence?
ha. don't really care much.

Has anyone seen you in your underwear this past month?
my roommate/any casualty of war while i absentmindedly change in my room.

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

What are you currently waiting for?
things to not suck, the weekend, spring break sort of

Is it possible to be single and happy?
yeah. it's also possible to be in a relationship and miserable, which i got to experience a lot.

Is there anyone who hates you?
totes, sadly.

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
i always plan on sleeping in.

What's annoying you?

Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
actually not really. maybe spelled differently.

Dated someone more than once?

Where did you get the last shirt you were wearing?
housing works sample sale last year

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
assorted family members

Is there someone who has made a difference in your life?

Where do you want to live when you are old?
a house with a porch. and a bath tub that is comfortable. where it's warm.

Do you cry when you're upset?
a whole lot. i cry easily, my dad says i get it from him?

Do you have a mirror in your room?

Does your mom know your deepest, darkest secrets?
i tell her a lot of things. but probably not.

Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced?
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