I took this from Amanda, I was of course bored just like she so I decided why the hell not.
+ the last thought you go to sleep with ::: guys that I think have nice lips.
+ the first feature you notice in the opposite sex ::: lips, eyes, hair
+ the best name for a butler ::: Jeeves
+ the wussiest sport ::: golf
+ your bedtime ::: 12-3
+ your greatest fear ::: being alone
+ your greatest accomplishment ::: getting a job that I hate and lasting this long and not quitting.
+ your most missed memory ::: being free
.*.* [[You]] P.r.e.f.e.r.*.*.
.+. pepsi or coke ::: pepsi
.+. mcdonalds or burger king ::: McDonalds
.+. single or group dates ::: single
.+. adidas or nike ::: nike
.+. chicken nuggets or chicken fingers ::: chicken fingers
.+. dogs or cats ::: dogs
.+. rugrats or doug ::: doug
.+. single or taken ::: taken
.+. lipton ice tea or nestea ::: lipton
.+. one pillow or two ::: one
.+. chocolate or vanilla ::: vanilla
.+. hot chocolate or hot cocoa ::: hot chocolate
.+. cappucino or coffee ::: cappucino
.+. boxers or briefs ::: boxers
.*.* Do [[You]] *.*.
.+. take a shower everyday ::: most of the time
.+. do you think you've been in love ::: no
.+. want to go to college ::: of course
.+. like high school ::: =(
.+. want to get married ::: hopefully
.+. type with your fingers on the right keys ::: yes
.+. believe in yourself ::: sometimes
.+. have any tattoos/where ::: nope
.+. have any piercings/where ::: ears. I did have my lip..sorta
.+. get motion sickness ::: depends
.+. think youre a health freak ::: hahahah no.
.+. get along with your parents ::: not with my dad but I'm pretty close with my mom.
.+. like thunderstorms ::: Oh, yes.
.*.* The F~u~t~u~r~e*.*.
.+. age you hope to be married ::: twentyish
.+. number & names of children ::: Eh, no kids for me.
.+. where do you see yourself in five years ::: I don't want to think that far ahead.
.+. how do you want to die ::: In my sleep
.+. what do you want to be when you grow up ::: not alone
.+. what country would you most like to visit ::: Italy
.*.* Opposite Sex*.*.
.+. best eye color ::: blue
.+. best hair color ::: anything dark
.+. short or long hair ::: shaggish
.+. best height ::: taller than me but pretty much everyone is taller than me..
.+. best articles of clothing ::: relatively tight black shirt and worn out holed up jeans
.+. best first date location ::: movies
.+. best first kiss location ::: in the rain
.+. what you find the most attractive ::: eyes, lips, smile
.*.* O=t=h=e=r*.*.
.+. whens the last time you slept with a stuffed animal ::: a couple months ago
.+. how many rings until you answer the phone ::: whenever I get off my lazy ass
.+. whats on your mouse pad ::: I don't have one.
.+. how many houses have you lived in ::: 2
.+. how many schools have you gone to ::: logan, kjhs
.+. what color is your bedroom carpet ::: my mom took out my rad ugly pink carpet
.+. if you were stranded on a desert island & you could only take one thing (not a person) with you, what would you take ::: phone
.+. what was the best time of your life so far ::: Kristin and Nikki's "suprise" party for me.
.*.* P<>a<>s<>t *.*.
.+. first grade teachers name ::: I don't even remember haha
.+. last word you said ::: bye
.+. last song you sang ::: Cursive - Gentleman Caller
.*.* P-_-r- -e- -s- -e- -n- -t *.*.
.+.whats in your cd player ::: "Homies Mix" Dan made it for me.
.+. what color socks are you wearing ::: blue & white, I stole them from Alexis
.+. whats under your bed ::: a mess
.+. what time did you wake up today ::: 6:40am
.*.* [[N]] ((O)) {{W}}*.*.
.+. current mood ::: tired & bored
.+. current music ::: AStaticLullaby-Withered
.+. current taste ::: swedish fish
.+. current hair ::: ponytail
.+. current clothes ::: pants and jeans
.+. current annoyance ::: people
.+. current smell ::: chloe
.+. current longing ::: to cuddle and to know that someone cares.
.+. current desktop picture ::: some fucked up thing Nathan made.
.+. current favorite artist ::: mcr
.+. current fingernail color ::: glue from the nails I wore to social
.+. current crush ::: eh.
.+. current hate ::: kim being grounded
.+. current favorite article of clothing ::: my shoes
.+. last cd you bought ::: uh..
.+. time you wake up in the morning ::: 7-9
.+. do you believe in an afterlife ::: sorta
.+. how tall are you ::: 5'2 around there.
.+. Last Cigarette .+. I don't smoke.
.+. Last Alcoholic Drink .+. bluehawaii-last summer when I was in hawaii
.+. Last Car Ride .+. driving home from summerschool
.+. Last Kiss .+. four months ago
.+. Last Good Cry .+. it's been a good while.
.+. Last Library Book checked out .+. no idea
.+. Last Movie Seen in Theatres .+. day after tomorrow
.+. Last Book Read .+. romeo and juliet
.+. Last Movie Rented .+. May I think..
.+. Last Cuss Word Uttered .+. fuck
.+. Last Beverage Drank .+. water
.+. Last Food Consumed .+. wrap from sheetz
.+. Last Crush .+. eh..
.+. Last Phone Call .+. dawn
.+. Last TV Show Watched .+. 7thheaven
.+. Last Time Showered .+. yesterday
.+. Last Shoes Worn .+. chucks
.+. Last CD Played .+. mix
.+. Last Item Bought .+. wrap
.+. Last Download .+. I don't download
.+. Last Soda Drank .+. rootbeer
.+. Last Key Used .+. house key
.+. Last Word Spoken .+. bye
.+. Last Sleep .+. this morning
.+. Last IM .+. gayla
.+. Last Ice Cream Eaten .+. its been a long time
.+. Last Time Amused .+. summer school
.+. Last Time In Love .+. never
.+. Last Time Hugged .+. today
.+. Last Time Resentful .+. today
.+. Last Chair Sat In .+. uncomfortable bench that i'm sitting in now
.+. Last Lipstick Used .+. dark reddish lipstick my sister has
.+. Last Shirt Worn .+. rockyhorrorpictureshow