Akako's allure is something that she does have to maintain: it can be turned off and on at will, but she can't adjust the actual volume. If you're unaffected, you're unaffected, and she won't be able to prevent that (without drugging you first).
The allure will affect everyone who is male gendered, regardless of physical sex. Intersex individuals will only be affected if they associate more with the male gender; people with no gender identity, or aliens who do not correlate to male/female genders, will not be affected.
The level at which you're affected has to do with willpower and sense of self: someone who is extremely self aware, to the extent that they would actively notice being attracted to Akako as unusual, will be immune on various levels. The more self aware you are, the less her allure will affect you. For example, someone who is extremely in-control of themselves and who notices every emotive tick would likely not be affected at all; someone who has crushes and is attracted to people normally would be.
It does affect homosexual males, but they are far more likely to notice, since being attracted to Akako is out of the norm for them-- and with noticing comes the immunity. Lesbians will not be affected; bisexual males will likely be affected.
This is particularly important because her allure will not work over video functions; she will just appear to be a very pretty, well-groomed young lady. In person, however...
If you have any questions or aren't sure if her allure would affect your characters, I'm more than happy to help!
Backtagging: Always and forever!
Threadhopping: Please ask if it's an in-person thread; journal threads are fair game!
Fourthwalling: No.
Hugging this character: Sure! She may reciprocate, depending on who you are.
Kissing this character: Go for it! Her reactions are very variable. Kaito is always allowed!! ♥
Flirting with this character: Oh, by all means~
Fighting with this character: Sure! But she has magic. She might kick your ass.
Injuring this character: Please ask me first!
Killing this character: If there's a good reason, sure.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Most of them will not work because she is slightly inhuman. Feel free to ask!
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