Screw this

Oct 17, 2007 19:23

Room 38 on the far end of the third floor is off-limits.

That's right, it's mine, since I dragged my busted ass up three flights of stairs to get away from all of you. So if I see any of you bastards and/or bitches setting foot in there (or God forbid, my bathroom stall), I'll bleed you like a stuck pig. But seriously, you're more than welcome if you want the honour of becoming a sacrifice to Jashin-sama.

Hm, what? Rules say we're supposed to share dorm rooms? Fuck that. And fuck you if you have a problem with it. And the Principal? Fuck him most of all.

(That dumbass Tobi left me unconscious on the floor in the foyer with a bag of muffins. Came to half an hour later. So, uh, if you see a puddle of blood near the geraniums...and a smear leading down the hall and up the stairs...that was me.)

The rooms aren't bad (mine has a fish tank), but I don't plan on getting comfy. These damn robots freak me the hell out, and as soon as I find a way out of here, I'm gone. As for my fellow teammates:

Deidara-chan: Have fun rooming with Tobi, asshole. ♥

Swirl-face: Die in a fire. But not before annoying Deidara-chan into contemplating suicide.

Red-eye: I hope you fall off a balcony, you blind fuck.


Got bored waiting by myself for the piranha bites to heal I went down to the lake and caught one of the sharp-toothed fuckers. Little guy ate all the goldfish in the tank. ♥ I think I'll call him Stanley...


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