"Due to the continued disruption of security protocols, it has hereby been decided to accelerate matters. You are, each of you, now subject to immediate nullification of any and all abilities unique to your personal conditions... You will report to the mess hall, whereupon you shall await evacuation to your respective destinations. Classification is now complete. Any who choose to disobey shall be subject to extermination."
The announcement was a culmination of all which had transpired, thus far. The creature possessed a
particularly menacing way of communicating and, although initially polite, doing what it considered would best contribute to an air of trust, was now swiftly unveiling its more truthfully brutal way of doing business.
Only when all had been rounded up in the designated location - free of any obvious weapons, of course - did their loathsome new 'Admiral' reveal himself. Even the prisoners had been transferred here, which made the announcement of 'classification' now concluding, all the more ominous. Daleks stood guard over the gathered crowd, but a shadow of something else was creeping steadily along the walls, until, for the first time, their creator glided fully into view.
"Greetings, citizens... I, Davros, bid you welcome. Many of you have become impatient for release, under the previous administrations' collective failures. Something I plan to now rectify, for the benefit of all."
[OOC: All characters have basically been weakened to a human level of strength, but watch for something in the Master's eventual replies, which shall reverse this!]