[Who:] House and Snape
[What:] PRANKWAR Mini-Log
[When:] Right after dinner.
[Where:] Level 7, Snape's room.
Severus Snape was, by his own measurement, having a decent weekend. He and Martha seemed to have cleared the air and restored their friendship, his inmate was behaving (to his knowledge), the flood had been bearable, his new roommate was turning out to be a relatively companionable but polite sort of cat, and he was at least two-up on House.
On any other day, he might have wondered to himself what the catch was. When was the other shoe going to drop?
Instead, he unsuspectingly went about his business, preoccupied with not-House things. It was this state of mind that allowed him to be ambushed on the way back to his room from dinner.