In Which the Marquis does something very Foolish

Jun 13, 2011 18:08

Who: The Marquis, Iago
Where: Iago's room
When: After Iago's Big Fat Baby Tantrum Post
Warnings: Very injured but very pain-medded Marquis versus an angry emotional Iago? What's the worst that could happen?

The Marquis wasted little time after Iago's last comment, resolving that he would not allow a few simple injuries impede his work as a Warden. His medicine, which he had been saving for before he slept, he took from the counter next to him and swallowed down with determination and then climbed out of bed. Once he was upright, it hurt less, until he started to walk. His back complained loudly, and he knew it would take a minute or two for the pain to lessen. He searched for the nearest item he could use to lean on, found a set of crutches, stole one, and departed.

This was a very bad idea, but in his mind he would hear none of it.

Thankfully, the lift admitted him, so he braved no stairs in coming to his Inmate's floor. The door was unlocked, and he threw it open roughly, or about as rough as one of his now limited physical strength could. He looked a mess, but his face was no longer terribly swollen. Minor bruises and burst vessels remained.

"Iago." He was already out of breath.

the marquis de sade, iago

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