that time, again, kids!
And time, indeed, for the one we've been getting the most requests for, ever since I casually mentioned the idea in a chat room, one time... :)
Mirrorverse flood!
Somewhere out there, much like 'Quantum Leap', there's another ship riding the cosmic waves with completely the opposite aims to the one our characters find themselves on. In fact, in that reality, exactly the same characters happen to be on it, but instead of villains going there for rehabilitation, it's all about heroes and innocents going there to be corrupted.
This is also one of the few instances where both the Admiral is affected. :)
Everyone will think it's a normal flood, you see, but the reality of the situation is that these two vessels have collided, totally by accident. This causes a shockwave of influence to wash over our ship, temporarily changing characters into their alternative selves...
Want to be involved?
Think up alternative histories for your characters! If you're an inmate, perhaps your life was completely different or simply ended on a virtuous note. The same goes for wardens: Perhaps their lives were totally opposite or maybe they just made a bad decision, near the end, which led to them being somehow fairly corrupt and evil.
While this is voluntary, what matters is that the Admiral is affected by this one! For the duration of this event, only wardens who are doing their job get requests granted and that new job... Is now corrupting their inmate. Some might well be actively abusive, but all wardens will know that there's a reward system in operation for succeeding without using force - which is an incentive for them to try only using reason and influence.
Essentially, this is to reflect how bullying wouldn't necessarily make someone 'become' evil, but somehow getting them addicted to voluntarily doing so, would. The same system which is presently in operation, except for evil, rather than good!
Some wardens might go down that path, regardless, of course. It's just so that writers of inmates won't necessarily have to be subjected to that. :)
What about pairings?
Present pairings are retained! At least, in most cases... Exceptions can be allowed, if you want, but please discuss it between yourselves. Please make this a rarity! The point is to have different takes on pre-existing dynamics. :)
Not all characters are probably going to be affected, though and, in those cases, they can realise that some seriously odd changes have taken place. Those who are, however, won't realise anything has changed!
Also, it's a lot better if your character's affected, because they'll retain all memories! The purpose of this is to give characters a completely different perspective of things. Wardens will get the realisation of what they could have become, had their lives been different and, just maybe, get a more useful insight of how an evil mind works, which they can apply in future wardening sessions (once things return to normality). Likewise, inmates will not only realise how their lives could have turned out for the better, but get to know how it's like to have motivation not to give into darker impulses and be fighting against them.
While you're welcome to have a character simply shrug it off, please keep in mind that you probably won't have another chance to emotionally challenge them by this degree, ever again. :)
Remember! Wardens will still have a 'job' during all of this! You're meant to be corrupting your inmates! These inmates don't want to be evil, though. So, what will your 'rehabilitation' consist of? Part of the fun's in finding out! You'll have completely new motivations! Instead of being led to the light, you'll be fighting against the darkness.
What if pairings are mixed?
There are probably going to be some instances where a warden or inmate aren't affected, but their assigned 'partner' is... Here's what happens! :)
Unaffected (good) warden/(good) affected inmate:
Your inmate will be strangely wanting to be good and perhaps paranoid you're playing a trick on them! From their perspective, you've always been trying to make them evil, after all... But the Admiral won't give you anything, unless you're shown to be corrupting them - and they certainly can't be given graduation status.
Affected (evil) warden/unaffected (evil) inmate:
How come your inmate's being compliant and liking the idea of wickedness? Ooh! Have they graduated? Screw the reasons why! You've succeeded! And the Admiral might just push them to graduate status! Unfortunately, by the flood's end, this 'reward' for being evil shall be reversed and they'll be automatically reverted to being inmates, again. But, for the moment? It's time to party!
Affected (evil) warden/affected (good) inmate:
You're both leading an alternative history of your times aboard the ship! And... From your point of view, that's how it's always been. Inmate, you want to stay good, but your warden keeps putting temptation in your way and punishing you for not succumbing to wickedness. Warden, you need to try your damnedest to make that good girl or boy a bad one. Just like you've been trying to do for weeks or months. But... Why are some of your work colleagues acting odd?
Unaffected (good) warden/unaffected (evil) inmate:
You guys are just the same as normal, but you'll realise that everyone else has changed. The kicker is, the Admiral wants those inmates evil. Maybe it'll help out the inmate, for a change...
Can unaffected characters band together?
Probably! But remember, the evil wardens now have the power - and the Admiral is evil, too. How are you good guys going to avoid attracting suspicion? The villains are in control and maybe they think some of you need to be demoted to inmate status...
How shall this conclude?
With a mass ship orgy. At some point, thinks will snap back to normality. There'll be an official announcement to that end and everyone who changed histories and personalities, suddenly get all their old ones back.
They will, however, all retain memories of what they did, how they emotionally felt and anything along those lines. No exceptions! Whether that helps or hinders their future development, shall be interesting to see.
How drastically can I change a character's history?
As much as you want! So long as they ended their pre-ship existence on a note which made them good (if an inmate) or corrupt/wicked (if they are a warden). It could be something which completely changed their whole life or a different choice they made, right at the end.
The defining factor, here, is that the Admiral is still in charge and the Admiral wants you to corrupt.
If you don't want to change a character, they'll still be an inmate or warden (whatever their status presently is), but everyone else's experience will be of them acting in a different way (reflect that there's 'another' version of them, out there, somewhere).
What are some examples?
If you're a Master, maybe you sought to be more like the Doctor and vice-versa. If you're a blood-thirsty vampire, maybe you never got turned, got cursed into being human/guilt-ridden or experienced something to make you never want to succumb to wickedness. If you were a murderer, maybe you repented or resisted the urge to make that first kill.
What matters is that, by the end, the majority of the wardens get the disturbing idea of what how might have been as evil incarnations of themselves and, just possibly, a valuable insight of why inmates behave how they do. Inmates get the world-shattering view of having alternative recollections of a desire to be good and of trying to resist corruption. These memories can give characters completely new insights on how to approach things with their assigned partner and shake up dynamics which might otherwise be going stale.
Anything important to remember?
If you're an affected character, you won't realise a flood's on! You might think there's been a false alarm, but that'll be all. From your point of view, the ship has always been about corruption, not rehabilitation - and wardens who aren't pulling their weight might be seen as threats or lazy, by their work colleagues.
Above all, have fun! This is going to be a dark and traumatic thing, but if you want an excuse to play at a 'what if' situation, this is it!