majandra_delfino Interview Segment Three

Jun 11, 2003 22:05

anythingbutavril: i still have craig written on my stomach

majaannndra: HAHAHA

LJmrkilborn: woo!

lj valensi: EW WHY AM I ON IMDB.COM
lj valensi:,%20Nick
lj valensi: CUTS

LJmrkilborn: I'm getting a thing for Avril's stomach.

majaannndra: that is mine craig
majaannndra: i will mud wrestle you for her

LJmrkilborn: shush! Your name isn't on it!

majaannndra: i wrote it on her crotch
majaannndra: with my tongue

LJmrkilborn: mud wrestling is so uncivilized.
LJmrkilborn: We should Jell-O wrestle for it.

majaannndra: can i eat it all

lj valensi: haha me too
lj valensi: i'm such a fat ass
lj valensi: :-(

majaannndra: OMG
majaannndra: INVITE VILLE

anythingbutavril: you are not fat you are an elf

LJmrkilborn: it wouldn't be a fair fight. That's true.

V H Valo has entered the room.

majaannndra: HI VILLE!

V H Valo: thank you, Majandra.

LJmrkilborn: luckily we're just finishing up the last break.

V H Valo: and hello.

LJmrkilborn: Are we ready?

majaannndra: puts clothes back on
majaannndra: k

LJmrkilborn: *applauds*


LJmrkilborn: Back to wrap things up with Majandrahhh.

majaannndra: say it again, craig.

LJmrkilborn: And what were you doing during the break?
LJmrkilborn: Majandrahhhh?

majaannndra: ;-)

lj valensi: she was doing me

majaannndra: i was showing avril how much i love her

majaannndra: orally

lj valensi: :-(

LJmrkilborn: Just the right words, no doubt.

LJmrkilborn: ;-)

majaannndra: ;-)

anythingbutavril: punches nick she is mine

LJmrkilborn: Okay did I not remember to talk about some thing you have coming?

lj valensi: cries and bruises

LJmrkilborn: I don't want you to miss a plug here.

majaannndra: hm, i don't think so.
majaannndra: the album doesn't have a date yet.

lj valensi: *LAUGHS* A BUTT PLUG

LJmrkilborn: Reeseville is coming out... when?

majaannndra: nobody is sure, they keep changing the date.
majaannndra: but MARK HAMILL IS IN IT!

LJmrkilborn: Ok! So, this is exciting!

majaannndra: that's worth the eight dollars right there.

LJmrkilborn: ten Luke.
LJmrkilborn: It's got a very kitschy cast.

lj valensi: *pulls Emmy onto lap*

LJmrkilborn: Who else is in it? Sally Struthers?

anythingbutavril: punches nick again

majaannndra: haha yes.

echriquita: shh

LJmrkilborn: The save the children lady?

majaannndra: that would be her.
majaannndra: she tried to save me once.

LJmrkilborn: so we'll watch for that sometime before the end of the millennium.

majaannndra: back when i wasn't totally fat and pregnant

LJmrkilborn: well, you have your own child to save.
LJmrkilborn: So, are you ready for the five?

majaannndra: yes

LJmrkilborn: Five Questions!

LJmrkilborn: 1. Geography: What country could you find the famed city of Delphi?

majaannndra: ... india?
majaannndra: i am completely stupid i am going to miss all of these.

LJmrkilborn: No... Greece.

majaannndra: HAHA.
majaannndra: i was way off.

LJmrkilborn: Well, fairly close.

LJmrkilborn: 2. Your initials are MD. Name any three TV doctors.

majaannndra: doogie
majaannndra: dr. carter

LJmrkilborn: that's two..

majaannndra: and the lesbian one on er.

LJmrkilborn: we will accept that!
LJmrkilborn: yes.

majaannndra: HAHA YEAAAAAAH

energized mike: haha

LJmrkilborn: 3. Think of a breakfast cereal. Don’t say it.
LJmrkilborn: Now think of another. Do you have it?

majaannndra: yes

LJmrkilborn: Okay now, think of a third.

majaannndra: alright

LJmrkilborn: Is that third one Raisin Bran?

majaannndra: YES
majaannndra: HOW THE ...

LJmrkilborn: Correct.

LJmrkilborn: 4. Name a team that’s playing in the NBA Finals.

majaannndra: oh christ.
majaannndra: jersey

LJmrkilborn: Yes!

LJmrkilborn: New Jersey Nets. They won tonight.

majaannndra: thank god nick watches

lj valensi: hahahahha

majaannndra: and i have to hear him scream

LJmrkilborn: And finally...

lj valensi: CHEATER

LJmrkilborn: 5. I want to go out on a date with you. Let me down without hurting my feelings.

majaannndra: oh you are terrible, okay here i go.

lj valensi: pinches avril
anythingbutavril: punches nick
lj valensi: reflects bunch and gives avril flowers and elf magic

majaannndra: craig, you're really tall and handsome and really tall but it's just... i swing for the other team.

LJmrkilborn: That is correct!!!
LJmrkilborn: :-)

majaannndra: YEAH I WIN

LJmrkilborn: Excellent score.

anythingbutavril: how cute makes out with nick
lj valensi: slips avril the tongue

LJmrkilborn: Ladies and gentlemen, give a big hand and thank you...

LJmrkilborn: Majandra Delfino!

LJmrkilborn: *applauds*

energized mike: *claps*
lj valensi: *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP*

majaannndra: thanks:-*

anythingbutavril: throws panties

LJmrkilborn: That's the Kilborn Interview! Good Night!

echriquita: CLAPS

LJmrkilborn: That was fantastic!

anythingbutavril: gets naked

majaannndra: takes off clothes i was nervous

LJmrkilborn: Thanks a lot.

echriquita: gropes

lj valensi: is allready naked

anythingbutavril: to show off craig on my stomach:-*
anythingbutavril: ew nick goes blind

LJmrkilborn: :-)

echriquita: :-)

lj valensi: humps craig

anythingbutavril: :-P

LJmrkilborn: This will be posted in a bit in the late late show journal.
LJmrkilborn: most of it, anyway!
LJmrkilborn: ;-)

lj valensi: >:o

energized mike: great job mr. kilborn and majandra

majaannndra: lmao
energized mike: night everyone

majaannndra: night mikey thanks<3

LJmrkilborn: Thanks everyone! *applauds*

LJmrkilborn: we now return you to your regularly scheduled chats.

majaannndra: wheeeeee
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