So, I´m doing things diferent this time. Since I´m watching in my computer (of course I am, I´m in Brasil, how else would I watch it?) I´m going to post my impressions as I watch, and then I´m doing a round up. Yeah, it will work.
Wow, big previously, almost no Lois (wich, plus) and lots of Doomsday. Oh, the survival of a civilization. Kandor. I get it now. Also, how glad I am for reading all those Crisis comics. I actualy know what Kandor is. Hee. Tess is lovely insane.
Aw, Sam is doing the "And now, the season finale of Smallville"
"I´d never take back my choice to save her" Good for you Clark. Also, you are in love with her, you know.
OMG! CHLAVIS, it gives me so much feelings. That scene in the top of car hood is co precious and yet hauting. They can surely bring the angst. And when Chloe turns her head toward him and he looks almost scare of her, is just, OH GOD! the best. I´m not gonna lie, my stomach did a sommersault. And thats because Im supossed to be a Chlarker.
They are not too subtle with the mithology stuff, are they? At least is not a Biblical reference. Those are saved for the Luthors.
The version I downloaded is too bad to read the whole thing but aparently Clark is leaving Metropolis. Ugh, Lois, please be more annoying. Oh, you can´t? Figures. I like how Clark jaw clenchs when she brings up Chloe. Of course he is the one who misses her the most.
Ha! He doesn´t even notice her. He is so worried. And yeah, he might die. Lois, please be obnoxious elsewhere.
Guh, too long of a scene and not romantic, just grievous. I usualy go with the flow, but, doesn´t the Planet have caller id? Doesn´t Lois know Clark´s number? I... dumbass.
But lets talk about it, I always liked Clark way more than Superman, and nowadays I like Clark better than the Red-Blue Blur. So I always disliked when Lois had a crush on Superman and disregarded Clark (can you see how I didn´t liked Superman Returns?), and I know they tried to make SVLois to have a crush on Clark, but know she is just giving him grief but all excited about RBB. Thats why I started as a Chlarker, because she loved him way before she imagined anything about his powers and she always see him as the man, and not the hero. I´m a sucker for those dynamics.
Beaver! Or you know, Bart. You know, Beaver was my favorite character in S2 of VMars, and I was never more heart broken in the show than when he broke up with Mac. Yes, suck it LoVe, I have other OTP! Ow, Clark shoun Oliver out, did not see that coming.
Yes, Jimmy is super smart, as long as he stay away from Chloe. Ow Davis, you break my heart. And the cat fight was idiotic, but at least Lois was sent to the future. And you know why? Because she doesn´t do a damn thing of use in the present.
So did Clark flew or just jumped really right and with pourpose? Ow, the Watchtower. How did Jimmy afford it? But, ugh, NO CHLIMMY! NOOOOOOOOOO, NO KISS, NOOOOOOOOOOOO KISS. WHY CHLOE? WHY????? HOW ABOUT HOT DAVIS SANS-MONSTER? AND CLARK? YOU DID EVERYTHING FOR HIM, NOT JIMMY!
GOOD GOD CHLOE! Are you the bad omen, first your two boyfriends die, and I´m sure Clark is going to die also. Just because you needed to kiss Jimmy? Whatever, I hate when they write her like this. At least she honestly tought she loved Davis.
HA! Oliver and his man!tear is hillar! And new Jimmy, who knew. Wait a minute, Chloe, who was Jimmy WIFE, never knew his litle brother? NEVER? OH Smallville, how so cracky? And wheres Lana? Not that I miss her or anything.
Bah, so Doomsday didn´t kill Clark? LAME. And yeah, the hug was nice, but Chloe, honey, he was not a psycho, he was in love with you and you decided to kiss your lame ex-husband in front of him. And yeah, he was under a lot of strees and I don´t even know if his was aware he was not the best anymore. I bet he felt a lot of beatly feeling right then.
Ugh, not happy about the Sam being Zod thing. Unless is stated that Zod side of him that killed Jimmy and when Clark eventualy strips the personality of him, he can be with Chloe, or something.
So yeah, cop out. I think the Doomsday arc was the best arc ever in Smallville, and it gave so much dimension to Chloe and Clark and even Oliver and Jimmy. But the ending, it was terrible. And oh God, I hope Lois stays away forever.
Chloe life is the most tragic thing ever, but I bet Clark doesn´t stay away for long. He can´t function without her, human emotions or not. Guh, I don´t know I´m frustrated. In the end this was a pretty good season, but ow, what an awful end.