This be Kanye: wanna battle me?
dollarbilske: ya
This be Kanye: ok
This be Kanye: *pokemon battle music*
This be Kanye: mewtow i choose u
dollarbilske: snorlax goooo!
This be Kanye: metwo use confusion
dollarbilske: snorlax falls asleep during confusion
This be Kanye: mewtwo slaps snorlax awake
This be Kanye: metwo use pshycic
dollarbilske: snorlax growls
dollarbilske: defense raised!
This be Kanye: mewtwo use agiligy
dollarbilske: snorlax uses rest
This be Kanye: then use hypnosis
dollarbilske: snorlax cannot use rest because he is not asleep
dollarbilske: snorlax is confused
dollarbilske: snorlax is hurt from being confused
dollarbilske: snorlax uses caccoon
dollarbilske: snorlax sleeps
dollarbilske: snorlax uses rest
This be Kanye: mewtwo use double slap
dollarbilske: all health healed
This be Kanye: mewtwo use psybeam
dollarbilske: snorlax is critical hit. snorlax regains health from rest
dollarbilske: dollar plays pokeflute
dollarbilske: snorlax awakes!
This be Kanye: kanye throws a masterball at snorlax
dollarbilske: dollar blocks the masterball
dollarbilske: keep off my fucking pokemon bitch yells dollar
This be Kanye: mewtwo uses rest..
This be Kanye: i play pokeflute
dollarbilske: snorlax uses nightmare
This be Kanye: mewtwo awakes
This be Kanye: mewtwo dodges it
This be Kanye: mewtwo floats up in the air
dollarbilske: snorlax body slam
dollarbilske: snorlax misses
This be Kanye: and uses psybeam
dollarbilske: snorlax is hit
This be Kanye: mewtwo gives snorlax the mean look
This be Kanye: snorlax cannot escape!
dollarbilske: dollar gives snorlax Super Potion
dollarbilske: snorlax is healed full points
This be Kanye: mewtwo uses psychic
dollarbilske: snorlax uses body slam
This be Kanye: and then combos it with confusion
This be Kanye: snorlax misses
This be Kanye: because mewtwos up in the air
dollarbilske: snorlax come back! mew goooo!
dollarbilske: mew floats up too
dollarbilske: mew uses physic beams
This be Kanye: mewtwo uses psybeam
This be Kanye: mewtwos hit
This be Kanye: mewtwo uses rest
dollarbilske: mew uses force field
This be Kanye: mewtwo retreats
This be Kanye: dollar wins!!!
dollarbilske: you have to give me my badge
This be Kanye: kanye hands dollar the forfiet badge and tm 12 which contains forefeit
This be Kanye: u need 7 more badges young one
This be Kanye: save the im yo
dollarbilske: ill get them
dollarbilske: i will
This be Kanye: ok
dollarbilske: ill catch more pokemon