Life Down The Old Road ch 9 - 2 AM

May 02, 2008 22:35

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Prompt: Hush
Previous Chapters: Ch 1 - Surrender and Fighting Back // Ch 2 - Cracked And Mended // Ch 3 - A Tin Man's Lie // Ch 4 - Silent Promise; Moment of Decision; and Game Over // Ch 5 - An Arc Of Hearts // Ch 6 - part I - Unlocking; part II - What Cain Found // Ch 7 - The Haunting // Ch 8 - Then And Now

2 AM
by Lattelady
The nightmare caught Wyatt unawares. It had been months since it disturbed his sleep. He usually forced himself awake before he was caught in the middle of it. In his mind, his Princess was fighting the Witch, but this time she lost and was consumed in a flash of green fire.

“Deeg!” he cried out, waking them both.

“I’m right here, love.” She held him reassuringly.

“I thought I lost you, before I knew what I had.” His body moved over hers, needing to feel all of her.

“Never,” she whispered and together they quieted fears that haunted them both.

To Ch 10 - Goodnight, My Angel

life down the old road, cain/dg, tin man, drabbles

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