Anyone part of the Mozilla community project know why LJ crashes my Browser? I can't figure it out, so for now I'm subject to using IE for LJing. Not happy about it. Here's a poem I wrote yesterday, though. I've been feeling quite inspired.
They asked me how I got here. Carefully, I responded.
It would be a long way down....
I look to my left. I look to my right.
It will be a long way down.
Cautiously, I take a step out behind her. The finality of her tone steels my resolve as I take that very first step. I am but a man. A singular force of epic proportions competing and clashing with the machinations of destiny, free will, or whatever else you call it. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object? I take another step forward. The spotlight is now on me, in my eyes...
Blindly. She leads me by the hand, as I were a blind child across a busy intersection, or a weary traveler guided by her incandescence towards the final port of my journey. Like the largest bed's sea of sheets engulfing two lovers, or the tepid burning of a match in a darkly lit nightclub - her warmth brings me a bit closer to the metallic arms she's extended to be my cradle.
Hesitant, I overcompensate for my shortcomings - and send us both swaying to the rhythm of fate. The fear in her eyes, like a sailor's first look into the Abyss, reveals a little more than the terrible fate reserved for both of us. I make a frantic grab for her support, she resigns herself to our fate...
It was a long way down..."
-Yancey Larochelle-Williams (Freefalling from Such Great Heights)