Title: Catharsis (Part 5/5)
Fandom: Vampire Knight
kashibanohikari Characters/Pairing: KanamexZero, ZeroxKaname
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yaoi (duh XD), biting, violence, implied sex, BDSM themes.
Disclaimer: If VK belonged to me, there would be a lot more of this. *points to fic*
Summary: Catharsis: n. from Greek katharsis, from kathairein, to purge, from
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Comments 12
that's a really awesome christmas present. ♥ Really. You have no idea.
Also, I had a very vivid mental image of Kaname sitting there, leaning against the couch and just watching Zero sleep, perfectly still but crying. I don't know. It was very late early by the time I finished.
.... it's a very good mental image. And very much more IC I think. Ehehe. But the best things are written early in the morning. Something about the mind by then I think.
The ending's kind of bittersweet, but in general, that's how the whole feel of this fic to me. Great job as always. Kinda sad to see that this is the end, but hopefully, you'll write more, ne? :)
I wanted to finish with sap, but it just didn't work out in my mind. It would have felt out of character if I'd given them a 'and then they curled up in each other's arms' type ending. Besides, I like a bit of Kaname torture in my fics. XD
I suspect more is on its way. Probably not a sequel to this, because I might have to, horror of horrors, intr0duce actual plot if I did that, but VK is too delightful a fandom for me not to write more.
Ah Kaname torture... seems like everyone likes it! XD But he just asks for it... it great big amounts too. ^^"
Any fic is good for me! VK is too delightful a fandom yes! Now I just wish I could get some inspiration to write a Kaname/Zero fic... considering they're my OTP... It's strange cause I've already written fics for VK but nothing seems to strike me for my OTP. D:
*blushes some more* Aw, I'm really flattered. <3
LOL, well, I wouldn't want you to cry, so I might just have to write more. XD
And sorry about the hideously late reply! This is the problem with account switiching...no comment alert Emails. :S
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