This is a master-list of everything I've written so far, all of which was posted on my personal journal. The cuts are all fake and link to the original post :)
Title: These Violent Delights...
Fandom: Kuroshitsjui
Pairing/CharactersGrell/Madame Red
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, character death, violence.
Disclaimer: I'd love to take the credit for such epic awesome, but tragically none of this is mine. Not even the delightful quote 'these violent delights have violent ends.' That's the property of one William Shakespeare (because even canon acknowledges the joys of Romeo and Juliet :p).
Summary: Some scars don't heal, some loves don't die, some stains don't come off, and these violent delights, oh, may they have violent ends...
Here: Title: Games (Part 1/5)
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Characters/Pairing: Kaname/Zero
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash, angst, mild BDSM/control themes, language, Kaname being a tease? xD
Notes: AU, but could technically probably slot in to canon just after the end of season 1 of the anime. I haven't read past Volume Three of the manga or Season 2 episode 5 of the anime, so apologies for any inconsistencies. I also feel I should mention that Kaname's past, which is alluded too, is from my imagination, though influenced by both Sagakure and Blackened_Wing. I hope they don't mind me drawing influence from their work :)
Summary: Kaname Kuran is used to playing games, so why is it that an infuriatingly tempting white knight is driving this black king to a checkmate?
Here: Title: Need (Part 2/5)
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Characters/Pairing: Kaname/Zero
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash, angst, violence, minor BDSM themes, Zero being uncharacteristically sensitive? xD
Notes: AU, but could technically probably slot in to canon just after the end of season 1 of the anime. I haven't read past Volume Three of the manga or Season 2 episode 5 of the anime, so apologies for any inconsistencies. I also feel I should mention that Kaname's past, which is alluded too, is from my imagination, though influenced by both Sagakure and Blackened Wing. I hope they don't mind me drawing influence from their work :)
Disclaimer: If I owned several insanely attractive vampires would I be on LJ posting fanfiction?
Summary: When hatred and humiliation war with need, blood will be spilled. But even as some wounds are opened, other might heal.
Here: Title: Hunger (Part 3/5)
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Characters/Pairing: Kaname x Zero, Zero x Kaname (I am told the order or names is important)
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash, angst, biting, minor BDSM themes, Kaname being bipolar? xD
Notes: AU, but could technically probably slot in to canon just after the end of season 1 of the anime. I haven't read past Volume Three of the manga or Season 2 episode 6 of the anime, so apologies for any inconsistencies. I also feel I should mention that Kaname's past, which is alluded too, is from my imagination, though influenced by both Sagakure and Blackened Wing. I hope they don't mind me drawing influence from their work :)
Disclaimer: If I owned several insanely attractive vampires would I be on LJ posting fanfiction?
Summary: There are all kinds of hunger, and they are all, in their way, impossible to deny.
Here: Title: Yearning (part 4 of what I think will be 5)
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Characters/Pairing: Kaname x Zero, Zero x Kaname
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash, angst, violence, biting, light BDSM themes
Notes: AU, but could technically probably slot in to canon just after the end of season 1 of the anime. I haven't read past volume 5 of the manga or season 2 episode 8 of the anime, so apologies for any inconsistencies. I also feel I should mention that Kaname's past, which is alluded too, is from my imagination, though influenced by both Sagakure and Blackened Wing. I hope they don't mind me drawing influence from their work :)
Disclaimer: If I owned several insanely attractive vampires would I be on LJ posting fanfiction?
Summary: Zero and Kaname both yearn for different things, but as the bloody ties that bind them draw them closer together, can they keep from destroying one other?
Here: Title: Doll
Fandom: Trinity Blood
kashibanohikari Characters/Pairing: Isaak/Dietrich, implied Dietrich/Esther, Dietrich/Gyula and Dietrich/Radu (Dietrich really gets around. XD)
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult themes, biting.
Summary: In the aftermath of the incident with the Star of Sorrow, Dietrich and Isaak discuss the consequences of failure, and Isaak wonders just who is pulling the strings.