Title: One Battle at the Time Author: LaueHime Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Dean, Sam Word count: Approx. 1300 Warnings: Spoilers for 10x03 Summary:[Spoiler 10x03]Oneshot. Tag to 10x03. Dean’s human again and Sam is drunk. Disclaimer: The show belongs to Kripke.
I don't think Sam's ever going to forget the pie again. I'm glad Dean went back to check on Sam, I really liked the interaction between the brothers there. I think Dean really needed to hear Sam say those things, even if he needed to be drunk to say them.
Those brothers!! It's too bad alcohol tends to bring out the 'chick-flicks'.. they should be able to do it without it. At least they make it happen at some point! It's not like they can sweep it under the rug for too long..
I'm glad you enjoyed the interactions I worked for this. I tried to keep it realistic considering Dean did try to kill Sam. They wouldn't be all hugs and kisses just yet.. but they'll come around eventually. Pie helps and that surely isn't something Sam would forget :D
Thanks for your comment! I really appreciate that.
Comments 16
I'm glad you enjoyed the interactions I worked for this. I tried to keep it realistic considering Dean did try to kill Sam. They wouldn't be all hugs and kisses just yet.. but they'll come around eventually. Pie helps and that surely isn't something Sam would forget :D
Thanks for your comment! I really appreciate that.
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