Something To Hold On To, a Supernatural Comment Fic Meme

May 12, 2014 17:23

Title: Something To Hold On To
Author: lauehime
Rating: PG
Genre/pairing: Hurt/comfort, Family, Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jess
Word count: 2,110
Summary: Written for tarotgal’s prompt “Sam was seriously injured/ill as a child, which required him to be hospitalized for a few days. Dean bought him a stuffed dog to watch over him. Sam pretended to be too old for it ( Read more... )

preseries, sick!sam, supernatural, cuddling, fic, comment fic meme, fever, prompt, awesome!brothers, bigbro!dean, stanford

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Comments 4

zana_zira May 20 2014, 03:11:27 UTC
lauehime May 20 2014, 03:20:29 UTC
When I wrote it, I had in mind that Dean had probably told Sam many times that the soup was how their mom used to make (and then he would've sang 'hey jude' because that's what she would've done - and I hope to God that he mentioned it to Sam).

And of course there's no shame to having a childhood stuffed animal! The idea actually came from a prompt and I thought it was such an adorable image :)

Thanks for your feedback, I'm really glad you liked the story !!!!


spnshannanigans May 20 2014, 04:26:10 UTC
Another awesome story! Good job :)
You write vulnerable Sammy very well.


lauehime May 20 2014, 04:33:29 UTC
Thank you !!!!!! I'm very glad you liked it :) I love to write vulnerable Sammy, too! There's something about it that makes my heart melt :P


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