So, I might not be getting the orders that I want, nay deserve, all because of one little thing.
I still "owe the Navy twelve months of sea duty" before I'm eligible for a shore command.
For those of you just now tuning into the program, I have now spent over two years stationed in Sasebo, Japan, at the Navy's worst command ever (The USS Tortuga, LSD-46). For two years, I have been overworked (sixteen-eighteen hour days, plus an additional six hours of watchstanding), stabbed, cut, beaten, cursed at (by my leaders, no less!), and generally treated like indentured servitude.
All I want are orders to do my job, but the Navy won't give them to me. I was disapproved for reenlistment in my current job field, and all the other jobs I might be remotely interested in are closed for conversion. At this point in time, all I want is one of three things:
One: Get orders to a shore-based facility where I can actually do the job I was trained for. Preferrably in Europe.
Two: Get Individual Augmentee orders. So I can save money while getting shot at.
Three: Apply for an early out option, because I can't reenlist and I refuse to extend onboard the Tortuga.
Sadly, Option One is pretty damn well closed to me. Because of sea/shore rotational bollocks (For my job, specifically, it's four years at sea, then I'm eligible for three years at a shore command).
I have two years left of my enlistment, and nine months left at this command, for the record.
That leaves options two and three. Let's wait and see what happens.
As it stands, after I get out (one way or another), I'm going to college and getting my fucking degree. There. There's the F-Bomb. You were warned.
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