It most certainly is! Awesome, adding you right back!
Haha, I'd be too!!! Actually, I'm just incredibly excited for you! Now if Hanson gets off their butts and get me to be the Toronto reporter...but that's for another day :)
1) I sometimes wonder if I did right by getting married 2) love your writing, it can keep me captivated for hours 3) "And the women tug their hair Like they're trying to prove it won't fall out And all the men are gargoyles Dipped long in Irish stout
The whole place is pickled The people are pickles for sure And no-one knows if they've done more here Than they ever would do in a jar
This could be Rotterdam or anywhere Liverpool or Rome 'Cause Rotterdam is anywhere Anywhere alone Anywhere alone "
4) 21 going on 88 5) uhm... about 6 months? Are we even LJ friends? Do you even know who I am? 6) The song lyrics are a hint if anything. And no, not the liverpool or rome part.
I am insanely curious to know if you ever figure out who I am(and yes, you have an honest chance). So if you do, go to my livejournal and comment in the "This is for Gina" post :)
Comments 15
This is Sara, right? I've added you!
-Gina ;D
Haha, I'd be too!!! Actually, I'm just incredibly excited for you! Now if Hanson gets off their butts and get me to be the Toronto reporter...but that's for another day :)
2) love your writing, it can keep me captivated for hours
3) "And the women tug their hair
Like they're trying to prove it won't fall out
And all the men are gargoyles
Dipped long in Irish stout
The whole place is pickled
The people are pickles for sure
And no-one knows if they've done more here
Than they ever would do in a jar
This could be Rotterdam or anywhere
Liverpool or Rome
'Cause Rotterdam is anywhere
Anywhere alone
Anywhere alone "
4) 21 going on 88
5) uhm... about 6 months? Are we even LJ friends? Do you even know who I am?
6) The song lyrics are a hint if anything. And no, not the liverpool or rome part.
I am insanely curious to know if you ever figure out who I am(and yes, you have an honest chance). So if you do, go to my livejournal and comment in the "This is for Gina" post :)
Yours, (yeah right)
Reintroduce me to your life again?
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