Advance unAustralian Fair

May 03, 2007 22:43

(week 9 creative entry)

Advance unAustralian Fair.

You say it is unAustralian to not speak English

And to cover my hair with a piece of cloth

And to be offended by Christmas carols in shopping malls

And to step on this red earthed land without a passport

And to bring drugs in from overseas to our innocent children

And for carrying the flag of your people at the Games

But it is true blue to stick the Australian flag on your car

And to tattoo the stars of the Southern Cross on your shoulder

And by fist make it known that you are a proud Aussie

And truly a patriot for fighting the war against terrorism

And a “fair go for all” says those in parliament

And the good old dole to those who deserve it

And to assist fellow countrymen imprisoned in a foreign land

And to buy their book if it helps them get out of jail

And to jail me for coming with my parents on a boat without a passport

And to send me back to my war-torn country where I came from

Can you send me back to Dreamtime where this country came from?

Australians all let us rejoice.

By Launcelot Roma


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