Day 8, I think

Oct 06, 2013 00:07

What's in your handbag?

Well, predictably I do not own a handbag, I have a rucksack (which according to the Daily Fail makes me Welsh?) so instead you get:

(I would make you all guess, but I am now in my jammies and have no pocketses at all, plus the answer is never going to be as cool as "A ring of power".)

So that would be keys, wallet, phone, mp3 player, list of books to get at the library, tesco receipt and an old train ticket from the last time I wore those jeans.

And you also get:

And that would be all the books I got at the library (for a reading challenge, hence the eclectic selection), a slightly crushed fondant fancy decorated like a bee, my "Am I a lesbian or just a wannabe Canadian?" shirt, anti histamine cream, a pound for the lockers at the pool, 2 5ps from I don't know where, a broken bike reflector, packaging for travel sickness acupressure bands (but not the bands), painkillers (plus the box which they were not inside), an Olbas oil inhaler, a USB stick, USB charger for my MP3 player, cocoa butter lip balm, glasses/contact lens case, and random paper scurf including the remains of a Double Dip, a card my mum sent me with a shopping voucher, and a bunch of tissues to combat my incipient cold.

life what life, a good example of itself, pictures

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