
Jun 20, 2005 23:02

ok so im the biggest dork of all times...or maybe i just love my school A LOT...i think its the second one...but today i was listening to "Sweet Home College Station" (Pat Green's version of SweetHome Alabama)and i seriously had tears come to my eyes...i miss cs soooooooooooooooooo much...the ppl, the weather, the apt, school, arc, vet school...all ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sleepybloom June 21 2005, 05:34:25 UTC's ok, your not a dork for liking school. Plus your not alone, I bet there are lots of ppl out there who like, maybe even love school. So don't feel bad.


wellllll CS misses you tooo!!! jessieo502 June 21 2005, 05:47:53 UTC
well i dont have much to say!! but i will say just hang in there...junior year will start before we know it...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we get to whoop...that means WERE OLD. *sadness* ANYWAYS! just rest yourself up for a really really awesome fall semester...well as much rest as you can get between your two classes (which by the way, GOOD LUCK, ive read your away messages and they seem to be...mmm quiet difficult...youll get through them =)) summer school is no bueno i know. anyways! im gonna go to bed now sooo i hope you have a good day tomorrow...or today i guess =)

<3 jess


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