Title - Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Pairing - Jack/Gwen
Rating - 15
Length - 153 words
Spoilers - that scene in Ghost Machine
Summary - after the firing range, Gwen thinks
Disclaimer - none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
By Laura
When her Captain sends her home, Gwen spends the car journey thinking about what’s just happened.
Was it really necessary for Jack to touch and caress her quite so much, so close, during the lesson about guns?
Not that she didn’t enjoy it, of course.
(It had been perfectly clear that Jack had also enjoyed it.)
Five more minutes of that, and Gwen thinks she might have done something she’d regret.
Jack might look about thirty-five, but something’s a bit off, a bit strange. And probably connected to what she already knows about.
He is far too good at the seduction game - all the kissing, flirting, charming, inappropriate teenager one minute and perfect gentleman the next - to have only been playing it for about twenty years.
Jack Harkness is a very sexually experienced man, who knows exactly which buttons to press.
And Gwen Cooper does not have a crush on her boss.