Title - One Night
Pairing - Jack/Jack
Rating - 12
Length - 309 words
Spoilers - TW 1.12, Captain Jack Harkness, DW 1.8, Father's Day
Summary - can’t change history
Disclaimer - none of these people are mine, they belong to RTD and the Beeb
Feedback is loved and appreciated
Written for challenge 4 at
at_the_ritz, Had we but world enough, and time, from Andrew Marvell's His Coy Mistress
One Night
by Laura
Had we but world enough, and time
Just one night. That’s all we’re gonna get.
This man, this gorgeous, courageous, heroic man dies tomorrow. I can’t save him, can’t change history.
Well, I could.
I could do a lot of things - kiss him, hold him close, make love with him.
Carpe noctem.
If I could drag him away from his men.
If I didn’t know about paradoxes.
If I didn’t know about the Reapers.
Huge flying creatures, look like dragons, I guess, eat errors in time.
If Captain Jack Harkness doesn’t burn to death in his plane, my name then becomes one I stole from some other dead pilot. That fact impacts on some other fact, something else changes, and something else...
Then the Reapers arrive, to fix the whole damned mess.
So I do nothing.
We talk, argue, hold hands. We even dance. As I’m about to kiss him, the Rift explodes open, in blue-white flash of light. Tosh is yelling at me, and as much as I’d love to stay a little (lot) longer, I’ve gotta go.
“It’s my duty,” I tell him, and he nods in comprehension.
I turn and walk away, running my hand down his arm, part of my standard farewell gesture. Then I realise I can’t leave without at least kissing the original Jack Harkness. Walking back, I take his face in my hands and pour all of my love, respect and desire for him into a kiss. Then I have to go, ‘cause if I stay any longer, I know I’m gonna do something stupid, and risk the incredibly delicate fabric of time.
“You can’t save him, Jack,” I remind myself, looking back at my saluting hero, a tear running down my cheek.
Then, Tosh and I go home.
But at my back I always hear
Time's winged chariot hurrying near