Title - The Trouble With The Rift
Author -
laurab1Rating - PG, gen
Characters - Jack and team
Length - 373 words
Spoilers - general series, none specific, that episode is so old it doesn’t need spoilers, and the H2G2 character is a surprise
Summary - He’d seen the thing on TV, she was fictional
Disclaimer - it’s probably just as well that these people belong to Paramount, the BBC and Douglas Adams
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
The Trouble With The Rift
by Laura
She’s small and furry, their latest arrival through the Rift.
Cradling her in his hands, Jack asks Ianto to find something lockable, to serve as a mini cell. An appropriate container arrives, and he places the little alien in it. Ianto takes the box away, the creature secured, but apparently happy (well, she sounded like she was purring, anyway). Jack then pre-emptively swears, rather imaginatively, in French (it flows nicely), German (it’s satisfying to say all those vicious-sounding words) and a bunch of alien languages (he adores showing off, even if it’s just to himself.)
He’d seen the thing on TV, she was fictional.
So what on Earth was something resembling a Tribble doing in Cardiff?
“Sir?” Ianto says, the next morning. “The bad news, or the very bad news?”
Jack looks up from his desk. Ianto’s absolutely terrified. It must be very bad indeed, to rile him. Oh, hell. “The very bad news, Ianto.” Jack sighs, placing his head in his hands.
“Overnight, our visitor...exceeded the confines of her box. We had a population explosion. Many similar creatures are now housed in a standard cell,” Ianto admits.
Damn. It was just like Star Trek. The creatures were the infamous Tribbles. Jack swears in twenty alien languages, before looking at Ianto and asking, “What are we gonna do, then?”
“Watch the appropriate Star Trek episode and hope for the best, sir?”
“Sounds like the best plan.”
“Indeed, sir. I’ll get the DVD player going, shall I?”
“Yeah, Ianto.”
Ianto disappears from his office and Jack swears a little more. If it was going to connect with supposedly fictional worlds, why couldn’t the Rift have given him Eccentrica Gallumbits, instead of little balls of fur?
Life could be so unfair.
And then Tosh’s voice sounds in his headset, small and tentative. "Jack?"
Now what’s up? “Yeah?”
"Please could you get down to the labs before Owen makes a complete idiot of himself over this...humanoid female who’s just appeared through the Rift?"
She’s blushing, he can hear it. “Tosh?”
"Shehasthreebreasts, Jack."
And sometimes, life could be so very, very fair. Grinning, he says, “I’m on my way, Tosh. Ianto?”
“Can we leave the DVD for a while? We have a visitor from Eroticon Six.”