Torchwood - fic - A Kiss On The Hand, Jack/Tosh, R/15

Mar 02, 2008 14:28

This follows straight on from Shot At Dawn.

Title - A Kiss On The Hand
Author - laurab1
Pairing - Jack/Tosh
Rating - R/15
Length - 558 words
Spoilers - TW: 2.3 To The Last Man, DW: to 3.11-13
Summary - It might only be the whisky talking, but Tosh turns Jack’s hand over in hers, brings it to her lips, and kisses his knuckles.
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

A Kiss On The Hand
by Laura

Having given their salutes, Jack leans across his desk, and takes Tosh’s hand in his. She’s not very surprised when he kisses the back of it, soft and gentle.

“Thank you for listening, Tosh,” he says, eyes glistening, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

It’s late, and she’s drunk, rather tired and generally in no fit state to drive home. Jack doesn’t look like he should be left alone. In fact, if she thinks about it properly, Jack rarely looks like he should be left alone. He’s better than he was, though, because it used to be the fact that he never looked like he should be left alone.

“You’re welcome, Jack.”

Oh, he’s gorgeous. It might only be the whisky talking, but Tosh turns Jack’s hand over in hers, brings it to her lips, and kisses his knuckles. Jack’s eyes go dark.

“You’re coming to bed with me, Tosh,” he says, then lets go of her hand, pulls her up out of her chair, cups her face in his hands and kisses her.

“To sleep?” she asks, but the answer’s clearly ‘negative.’

“Probably not,” he tells her, smiling.

“What about Ianto?”

“What about him? This is about you and me, Tosh.” He kisses her again. “C’mon, my quarters.”


In Jack’s quarters, the fire goes out of him, and the tears come, again. Tosh holds him close, and when he’s done, she lets him go and wash his face.

“You can have the bed, Tosh. I’ll just take the couch,” he says, when he returns. He makes a move to start climbing up the ladder.

“You’re staying here, Jack,” she tells him, taking his hand, pulling him to the bed. “You’re staying right here.”

“Yeah,” he whispers, nodding.

“And we’re actually sleeping, okay?”


Jack then embraces her, and kisses the top of her head. “Thank you,” he quietly says.

Again, Tosh replies, “You’re welcome.” What else is in that head of yours, Jack? she wonders.

Too much.

What? “Was that you, Jack?” she looks up at him, as if she can’t believe it.

His eyes are still rather sad. “Yeah. Can it wait, though, Tosh, please?”

“Of course. Bed?”

“Bed.” There’s a tiny grin.

“What?” Tosh asks.

“Can’t sleep naked, tonight.” Jack’s grin gets bigger.

“You! No shame at all!” she splutters.

“Oh, yeah.” Full-blown Hollywood smile.

“Would you please find me something to wear in bed, Jack?” Tosh asks, pulling them out of the moment, and stepping out of his arms.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replies, and salutes her.

“Oh, Jack,” Tosh sighs, when he’s gone.

He returns with a t-shirt for her. And he’s already stripped down to his boxers.

“Changed your mind?” he asks, noticing her looking.

“No,” she resolutely replies. “Can I undress on my own, please?”



When they’re in the tiny bed, Jack wraps his arms around her, looks her in the eye and says, “I’m gonna have sex with you one day, Toshiko Sato.”

“I don’t doubt that at all, Captain Harkness,” Tosh replies. “Let’s sleep, now.”


In fact, that day is the following morning.

Several times.

Tosh ends up hot, sweaty, a mess and feeling amazing. “You’re rather good at that,” she informs Jack.

“So I’ve been told.” He kisses her, slow and deep. “Again?”

“Yes,” she emphatically says, closing her eyes in pleasure, as Jack’s fingers work their magic.


torchwood girls fic part to be reposted

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