Doctor Who - fic - Remember (Walkin’ In The Sand), Nine/Rose/Jack/TARDIS, PG-13/12

May 31, 2008 22:13

Title - Remember (Walkin’ In The Sand)
Author - laurab1
Foursome - Nine/Rose/Jack/TARDIS
Rating - PG-13/12
Length - 2346 words
Spoilers - TW: 2.5 Adam. 2.12 Fragments, DW: New Who 1.9/10 TEC/TDD, and a bit of old school
Summary - “An Earth beach, or an alien beach? And when, y’know?”
Disclaimer: alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Written for the happy fic prompts challenge on twdw_ficathon, using the prompt: “a morning walk”.

Remember (Walkin’ In The Sand)
by Laura

Yet again, they’d had to run for their lives. They’d survived, though, of course.

“Can we not do that, Doctor? Just once?” Rose sighed, sat in the jump seat, while the Doctor and Jack stood by the TARDIS console.

“What do you wanna do instead, then?” the Doctor asked.

Rose thought for a minute. Something relaxing. “Go to a beach,” she replied.

“An Earth beach, or an alien beach? And when, y’know?”

“Alien beach, and you pick where and when,” she decided, possibly foolishly, considering how poor the TARDIS’ sense of time actually seemed to be. Rose then glanced over at Jack, and saw his eyes had darkened. “Jack?” she asked, concerned.

“Alien beach is fine, Rose,” he said, grinning, “been a while since I saw that kind of sand.”

She wasn’t convinced by the grin, though. “Blokes!” Rose muttered to herself, in a low voice. “Nobody’s gonna think any less of you if you don’t want to visit an alien beach, Jack. What are you hiding?” For a supposed conman, he really was pretty useless at concealing his emotions. It was just as well they’d picked him up.

But the Doctor said, “Lyme Regis, July 1976, here we come!”

“That’s not alien!” Jack and Rose both exclaimed.

“Yeah,” he replied, “been a while since I saw Earth sand.” Then he was pushing buttons and moving levers, and before either of them could protest again, the TARDIS’ engines roared into life.


They landed. Heavily. “Here we are then! Lyme Regis!” the Doctor stated.

“That’s the place with all the fossils, isn’t it?” Rose said, as he continued pressing levers, and running round the console.

“Yep, that’s the one,” he replied.

“Is it warm enough to go swimming in the sea?” Rose asked.

He checked when and where the TARDIS claimed they had arrived. 10.30am, July 20th, 1976, Lyme Regis. “Not at this time of the day. Should be, this afternoon.”

“I’ll get my costume!” she said. “Walk along the beach and a fossil hunt this morning, then swimming, Doctor!”

The Doctor watched her go, looked at Jack, and waited for the Captain to speak.

“Don’t need you coddling me, Doctor,” he said, eyes hard.

“Yeah, Captain,” he said, snorting. “My old girl tells me what you tell her. Or did you forget that?”

“I was kinda hoping you’d keep all of that just between us, beautiful,” Jack said, his hand resting on coral strut.

“You sure about that, Jack?” the Doctor asked, an eyebrow raised at him.

“Yeah, no. Oh, I don’t know!” he replied, distractedly, looking away.

You’re not fooling anyone, Captain, the Doctor thought to himself, but let it go, for now. ”Just walk in the Earth sand, Jack, feel it between your toes.”

Jack was silent for precisely three minutes, and the Doctor could easily see the gears turning in his Captain’s head. “Yeah, OK,” he eventually agreed, expression brightening. “You gonna at least take off your boots and jacket?”

“Might do,” the Doctor allowed.

“Oh, you will, Doc,” Jack said, smirking, “and more. Rose and I’ll persuade you to go swimming. I still haven’t seen that body of yours. Wanna see what I’ve been missing out on.”

The Doctor rolled his eyes at the man, and his one track mind.

“C’mon.” Jack put his arm around the Doctor’s shoulders. “I’ll fetch some Speedos. Then, let’s see if we can show Rose some fossils. I’ve seen dinosaurs alive, though, y’know.”


“Yeah. Even ate them. Got stuck after the meteor hit Earth. Dinosaur meat was the only thing available.”

“Didn’t have to resort to that.”


“Yes. Back in the 1970s, someone was bringing them to London via a time machine, trying to put the city back to an era without technology.”

“What?” Jack said, eyes wide.

“Exactly. There were pterodactyls, stegosauruses and tyrannosaurus rexes.”

“How many regenerations ago was that?” Jack then asked. “And don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about, Doc.”

He should have known Jack would be aware of that little Time Lord trick. “Six,” he said, after a minute. “Sarah Jane was fantastic.”

“Does Rose know she’s not the first person to travel with you?”

Maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned Sarah Jane Smith. “No, Jack. And you’re not telling her, either,” the Doctor said. “I mean it.”

“Okay,” Jack replied, holding up his hands, in defence. “Just don’t blame me when it blows up in your face.”

They both sighed, tension dissipating.

Rose returned to the control room, in shorts and a t-shirt, carrying a duffle bag. She had sandals on her feet and cat’s-eye sunglasses on her head. “Found this orange, swirly patterned bikini on my bed. TARDIS insisted I should wear it, I think.”

“Sounds very fetching.” Jack grinned.

“It’s very somethin’, Captain, that’s for sure,” Rose said. “So, we going, or what?”

“In a few minutes, Rose,” Jack replied, “just need to get changed.”

He whispered in Rose’s ear as he left, making her smile. They really were going to get him practically naked, the pair of them, he was sure of it.

The Captain came back two minutes later, carrying a rucksack. “C’mon, then. Let’s go! What could be better than a morning walk on a beautiful beach? Especially during this summer.” And there was Jack’s leer, the one that got him into all sorts of trouble.

Of course he knew about this particular Long Hot Summer. He’d probably been here at least a dozen times. It was going to be a very long day, the Doctor suspected, once again rolling his eyes.


As they all exited the TARDIS, Jack could see the ship had landed near the beach, rather than on it. Maybe she and the Doctor did actually know what they were doing; in that position she wouldn’t be washed away by the tide. Maybe she couldn’t be washed away, anyway. He’d have to ask about that. The Doctor locked the TARDIS’ door, and turned back to them. Dark sunglasses and leather jacket; he looked amazing, like one of the 1950s beat poets. Rose pushed her sunglasses down over her eyes, then slipped her hand into his, and Jack noticed how very tightly the Time Lord held it.

Then she held her other hand out to him. They did that all the time, on the planets where and when no-one was going to care. Or cart them off to prison. Okay, so they might get the odd glare, in this time and place. They’d survived worse. Jack put on the pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers that had appeared on his bed, took Rose’s hand in his, and they all set off.


It really was a beautiful morning, Rose decided. They’d been wandering along for about half an hour; looking out to sea, spotting shells, enjoying the pleasant late morning temperature and being with each other. And not running for their lives! They’d also been people watching, and Jack had insisted on whispering incredibly filthy things in her ear.

“D’you ever think about anything other than that?” she’d asked him.

“Sometimes,” he replied, grinning. “Not very often, though. Look at them, Rose, all those beautiful bodies.”

God, they really couldn’t take him anywhere.

“Can we stop for a minute, I wanna take off my sandals,” she then said.

“Let’s go sit over there,” Jack suggested, pointing. “I wanna take off mine, too.”

They headed over to the rocks he’d indicated. Dropping each others’ hands, she and Jack took their shoes off, placing them in their bags. Something then caught Rose’s eye - a large spiral, in the stone. Looked like a snail shell. “Doctor, what’s this?” she wondered, her finger next to it.

“Ammonite,” he said, probably less than a second after he’d looked at it. Then he pulled the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket. “D’you want it?” he asked, holding up the device.

"No," she said. “It’s only a very old fish-thing, isn’t it? Must be more interesting fossils around here.” He put the sonic back away again.

“I can certainly think of one,” Jack said, quick as a flash, pulling his rucksack on again. He then swiftly moved a few feet away when a glare appeared on the Doctor’s face.

“Jack!” she exclaimed. He was terrible!

“What?” he protested, trying to look innocent.

Rose just smiled to herself, and shook her head, looking anywhere but at Jack’s face. She then had to promptly take her eyes away from Jack’s feet, as she could once again see how huge they were. But she had yet to see if Jack could actually make good on all his bragging.

Still, size matters. And the same went for the Doctor’s feet. Which she couldn’t see. “Boots off, Doctor,” she said, anyway.

“Yeah,” Jack agreed, sitting close to her again. “C’mon, let’s see those feet.”


“They’re only feet, Jack,” the Doctor said.

“Yeah, but they’re your feet, Doc. Rose and I wanna see ‘em.”

“All right,” he said, shaking his head at his companions. Then he had an idea. “You two wanna see my feet, you can take off my boots,” he said, and waited for their reactions.

Jack’s eyes glazed over, Rose’s went wide. A second later, they were on the sand, undoing his laces, removing his boots, pulling his socks off. Jack also tried sneaking in a foot massage.

“Right! We off again?” he asked, putting his socks in the boots and picking them up, before standing.

Jack and Rose looked a little disappointed at having their toys taken away from them, but they whispered something to each other, and stood. “Yeah,” Rose said. “Let’s see if we can find some better fossils.” She held her hand out to him, and he took it, once again. Jack took her other hand, and they continued their morning walk along the beach.


The sand was warm, beneath their feet, and they did find some more fossils, but not necessarily better ones. Jack certainly wouldn’t call a trilobite interesting. But they did find a footprint, the largest part of which they could all three lie in, with room to spare.

When the sun was high in the sky, and the temperature was a little higher, he removed his hand from Rose’s. Pulling his rucksack from his back and depositing it on the ground, Jack declared, “C’mon, time to go swimming, cool down a bit.”

Rose dropped the Doctor’s hand. She then took a couple of towels, also in typical 1970s patterns, from her bag, and spread one out on the sand. Jack unzipped his rucksack. Reaching into it, he pulled out a rather small pair of Speedo swimming trunks. Once he’d put down his boots, they handed both of the items to the Doctor.

Who just raised an eyebrow at them.

“Swimming, Doc. All of us. Maybe not at the same time, though. Someone needs to watch our stuff.

“Yeah, well, I’ll do that. You two go swimming, I’ll stay here.” He shoved the trunks and towel back at them. They just shoved them straight back again.

Rose looked at Jack, and grinned. What was she planning? “It isn’t a holiday until you’ve tried to change under a towel. It’s half the fun, Doctor!”

“Oh, yeah,” Jack agreed. “Or, you can do the smart thing, like Rose and I did, and wear your costume under your clothes. Then you can just strip off.”

From the Doctor’s look, Jack knew he and Rose had won. “Oh, all right,” he said, sitting down, taking his leather jacket off, finally. Jack didn’t know how he hadn’t already passed out, he must have been sweating like mad.

It was all Jack could do to not clap like a seal. He settled for huge smile, instead. Sitting on the towel, he took off his shorts and t-shirt. Rose did the same. Seeing her bikini, Jack though he might go blind.

“I said it was very somethin’, Jack,” she reminded him.

“It’s lovely,” he said. OK, so the pattern was really bad. But Rose was almost naked, all her gorgeous curves on display. Speaking off which...

“You two finished oglin’ each other?” the Doctor asked. “’Cause I’m ready, here.”

Jack dragged his eyes away from Rose’s boobs and bare midriff, and turned to the Doctor. “So you are,” he said, looking him up and down, with heat in his eyes.

“You finished starin’ at me, Captain?” the Doctor shortly asked, an eyebrow raised. Again.

“For the moment,” Jack said. He then took Rose’s hand in his. “We’re gonna go gossip about you, now. That okay?” Jack didn’t give the Doctor a chance to reply. Laughing, they ran down the beach, and into the sea.


“It’s not that warm!” Rose exclaimed, in the water.

“You wanna heat it up, Rose?” Jack asked, placing his big, warm hands on her waist, and looking her in the eye.

“Might do, Captain,” she replied, smiling at him and his gorgeous blue eyes. “Depends what it involves.”

“Well, this, for a start,” he said, and kissed her. Oh, that was very nice indeed. Yeah, Jack. You can continue right on bragging.

She was so engrossed in Jack’s lips that it took Rose a couple of minutes to register the tapping on her shoulder. She reluctantly pulled out of the embrace, and turned in the direction of the tapping.

“Finished ‘gossipin’’?” He grinned at her.

“For the moment, Doctor,” she said, as expected. He’d joined them! “Didn’t think you were gonna come.”

“Persuaded someone to watch our stuff. Well, all right, threatened him with... somethin’ if he didn’t. Jack did say all of us, Rose,” he replied.

He did. “Jack?” she asked, an idea in her head.


“Shall we splash him?” she whispered in the Captain’s ear.

“Sounds good to me, sweetheart.”

So that’s what they did, having fun, laughing like mad.


Later, happy, but exhausted, they returned to the TARDIS.

Later still, they were back to business as usual, running for their lives.

But after their break, they were energised, and this time, the running was as much fun as the walk and the swim had been.

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