Torchwood - fic - I Love A Man (Not) In Uniform, Jack Harkness/John Hart, 15/R

Jun 02, 2008 23:45

Title - I Love A Man (Not) In Uniform
Author - laurab1
Pairing - Jack Harkness/John Hart
Rating - 15/R
Length - 300 words
Spoilers - to Torchwood 2.13 Exit Wounds
Summary - “Why are you so interested in a couple of wars from more than three thousand years ago?”
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

I Love A Man (Not) In Uniform
by Laura

“Why are you so bloody interested in a couple of wars from more than three thousand years ago?” his partner asked, from their bed, all cheekbones, blue eyes and blond hair; teenage petulance in his voice.

Well, they had only been out of the Academy, and in the Time Agency, for a couple of months.

“I like hot guys in uniform,” the dark-haired, blue-eyed Agent 69 quickly replied, from his chair, continuing reading, and looking at the photos. Gorgeous men, all of them.

“Well, you’ve got one right here, love.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the other man, Agent 66, climb out of bed, and walk over to him.

“Not right now, I haven’t,” he said, looking away from the words and images, and at his partner, instead. Apart from the Vortex Manipulators strapped to their wrists, they were both naked.

“Exactly. So, for sweet goddesses’ sake, forget about history, switch off your holo-display and come to bed.”

“Then what? We going to sleep?” 69 asked, turning off the display, closing the Manipulator. Rising from the chair, he drew his partner into an embrace, biting kisses at the other man’s lips.

“Of course we’re bloody not, love,” was 66’s muttered reply.

“Didn’t think so, darlin’,” he said, as they fell onto the bed, kissing slightly less violently, now. “What shall we do first, then?” he asked, looking down at his partner.

“Same as always. Turns me on something fierce, that does,” the man said, eyes becoming heated.

“I’d never have guessed,” 69 replied, laughing. “You’re so quiet, when we do that.”

“You’re no better, mate.”

“Nope,” he said, smiling. “And that’s why you love me.”

“Yes. So much.”

“Love you, too, y’know.”

“Hurry up and show me, then.”

They kissed, again, before shagging each other senseless.


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