Title - Trail Of The Past
Author -
laurab1Pairing - Jack/John
Rating - 12/PG-13
Length - drabble
Spoilers - 2.1 KKBB, 2.13 Exit Wounds
Summary - stories to tell
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
Fic masterlist -
http://laurab1.livejournal.com/196193.html, with more Torchwood, including Jack/John
Trail Of The Past
by Laura
Even after the hell that John and Grey put him, his team and his city through, Jack’s sure there’s a part of him that still loves the guy who was once his partner.
Man, did they annoy the Time Agency.
Cocky, shag anything, go anywhere, anywhen, trigger-happy bastards, they were, the two of them. Charming cute humans and aliens into bed, escaping from prison, doing something fancy with their Vortex Manipulators, dodging bullets, firing blasters; it was mostly a hell of a lot of fun.
They have history, stories to tell.
Jack doesn’t want to let John go quite yet.