Not looking forward to this week so much, given what the dances are, but anyway. Here we go, a day late but better late than never!
Chris & Ola:
I can't comment on technique for these dances as I know pretty much nothing about it, but for general style, that really seemed to suit Chris! Nicely done :-) (8, 8, 9, 9.)
VW: 7/10
Ricky & Natalie:
Considering Ricky's general ability, I thought there was a little too much time there where he wasn't really doing a lot. I personally didn't find it as enjoyable as the previous dance,
and there was a mistake. It'll probably score well though. Hmm, listening to the comments maybe not so well as normal for them! (7, 8, 8, 8.)
VW: 9/10
Ali & Brian:
Oh no, not another injury... Much as I'm not a fan of the Charleston, yay for the music choice! Hmm, do I see a few tens on the way here? (9, 9, 10, 9.) Just one ten, though I'm not surprised it was Alesha.
VW: 10/10
Natalie & Vincent:
These two got rock and roll? Eek. Natalie's hair looks gorgeous! The dance however was not Natalie's strongest. (5, 7, 7, 7.)
VW: 7/10
Laila & Anton:
Another pretty good Charleston! They've definitely all been stronger than the rock and roll routines tonight. (6, 9, 8, 8.)
VW: 8/10
On a side note, the song choice for the Viennese gave me flashbacks of Mark and Karen!
I loved Katya in the foxtrot. I think she's my substitute Karen *g*
Ha! Loved the preview of ITT this week.
Riverdance yay!!! Oh no, they really screwed up the sound balancing with that!! At one point the sound of the shoes on the floor pretty much went away completely :-(
Oh I love this song so much! Have they really not performed it together on anything before?! Wow. I'm so glad it's Darren and Lilia with this one!
Dance Off:
Wow. Oh how much do I want Ricky to screw up in this dance. The problem is, though I liked neither dance, Natalie and Vincent's routine was the weaker one. Damn, though I think there were minor timing issues at one point, I didn't spot any major mistakes. Poor Natalie, there's not a lot she can do here. I think Craig was a little strong in his comment there, but the result was no surprise. And it was the right one, much as I would have liked to have seen Ricky go in a surprise exit! I'm so glad everyone got to their feet for Natalie, she's been great fun. Oh I want to give both of them a hug, and I don't even like Vincent! I think they've had one of the the best crowd responses ever for a leaving couple! Aww, Bruce danced with Natalie!