Bad News v Good News

Dec 09, 2008 09:34

It's been a tough couple of months. In August, my job dissolved into thin air, as my boss went and filed for bankruptcy. The Pub closed down with only two days notice, so no time to save up any cash. No time to really do anything but cuss. Around the same time, my Dad went into the hospital for a five week stay, suffering from Acute Pancreatitis. Then my plumbing went kablooey with a leak under the house causing 10,000 gallons a month to pour through my pipes. It was $2000 to fix that, and I'm still paying down on the water bill for that month.
I've been robbing Peter to pay Paul since the summer, getting by on community theater pay, which ain't much. You know the economy's bad when waitresses have trouble getting hired. I did get taken in by the nice folks at a swank place out in the burbs, for a hostessing gig. The only problem is that I've got theater bookings. Rehearsals and shows typically take place at night, and the Do' Ho job is at a place that is only open for dinner, which limits the shifts I can work. I'm not used to having to wait two weeks for a paycheck, having been a cash tips gal for so long, and theater gigs usually don't pay squat until opening weekend, if then.
Last week, I called my Pub Boss, not the one who went bankrupt, but the New Owner, our former GM, and got my ass chewed out for sweatin' her about going back to work. I landed two theater gigs, which both dried up within 48 hours, leaving me without hope of work. This week began with my Dad going to the ER again with a relapse of the pancreas thingie. He's been there a few days now, and he looks pretty rough, but seems to be in good spirits.
Finally, this month, things may be turning around (Dad's pancreas notwithstanding). We've begun rehearsals for Camelot, a project I've been booked for since last summer, and I have a bead on most of my props already. The costumer for Camelot hooked me up with a last minute gig styling wigs for the Radio City Rockettes' Christmas hoo-hah this weekend for an assload of money. It's a Union Gig, but apparently, the Union is spread pretty thin during the holidays, so they've outsourced to the local non-union industry for some jobs. This is a huge break for me, since I'll now be on their list of folks to call. Could lead to future gigs. And it'll be fun! Long hours, early call time, but hey, a gig's a gig, and this gig's seriously sweet.
I just got an email about serving for a catered party on the 20th for cash, working with an old boss of mine. Awesome news, that.
I've been seeing a new Gentleman Caller for about a month and it's going really well so far. He has many of the qualities on my "list", such as employment, his own home, well educated, no yelling, good relationship with his family, no kids, no ex wife, and he's a good kisser. I'm quite hopeful about this one.
We've got bookings for the improv troupe for December as well, so Funny for Money coming up very soon.

So, maybe... just maybe... I'll get to keep my sanity after all.
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