Laura's pissy right now.

Aug 04, 2005 11:18

It's discouraging when you see all of these people.. the lives they live.. and you just KNOW that your life will be led nothing like the way theirs is because you're responsible and not annoying, disrespectful and obnoxious. Granted I am not at all perfect. However I do know a few things about myself that won't change ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

_missjones August 4 2005, 17:59:24 UTC
i am having a shitty day and that made me happy. thanks. :)


lauralynnie333 August 4 2005, 20:13:10 UTC
haha :) always glad to help.. the drive home on the bus from the Tigers game last night put me over the edge i think.. this made me feel better too


formercard4217 August 4 2005, 22:38:05 UTC
i can appreciate this entry


lauralynnie333 August 5 2005, 05:10:33 UTC
thanks. i'm glad you read it. :)


trishthedish83 August 5 2005, 20:39:31 UTC
Whoa. everyone is in a shitty mood. You, my niece and me. Damn. Remind me to never get on your bad side ok?


lauralynnie333 August 7 2005, 15:05:55 UTC
haha you don't have to worry about that. i'm in a pretty happy mood right now believe it or not :)


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