My Latest Project

May 04, 2011 21:51

 Anyone who's actually talked to me knows that I occasionally sew.  Last night I decided to branch out a bit.

When my sister got married 37 years ago, her husband gave her a cedar chest:

When she divorced him 10 years later, she gave the chest to me. When my oldest daughter, Elizabeth was 8, I gave it to her. About 5 years ago, the chest had to be put into storage. Apparently, while it was there, a mouse decided it was cozy:

There was metal edging that was damaged as well:

Last night I decided to finally repair it.

The first thing I did was to take the top off of the chest:


Then I pried out all the old staples and removed the old ugly fabric:

I was going to use the same foam, only flipped over, but the foam was moldy, so I had to use different padding:

Then I had to match the size and cuts of the new tapestry material to the old:

Then I put the padding and the board on the material and pulled up the sides:


I tried to secure it with furniture tacks, but after 37 years, the pressboard seems to have turned to rock and when I tried to hammer them in. the tacks broke! So I used staples that we had to hammer in.

Once I was done, it looked like this:

Then we had to screw it back onto the lid of the chest. When I finished, it looked like this:

Then I had to fix the metal so it wouldn't get caught in the lock. It went from this:

to this:

So, after all was said and done, it went from this to this:


And Elizabeth was happy with it:

So, what do you think?
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