Title: Of Swaggers, Saloons, And Star Badges - Chapter 2
Character/Pairing: Jae/Min/Chun and variations of, minor one-sided YunChun, YooSu bffery
Genre: drama/angst, romance, and a bit of comedy and action, Korean Wild West AU!
Rating: PG-13 to be safe (for now)
Word Count: 1,528
Disclaimer: I have a what?
Previous parts:
Prologue ,
Chapter 1 A/N: This is a little bit short but it's an important chapter...
The Jung Brothers had been through town twice before and each time they caused a heap of trouble. The Jungs are self-proclaimed ranchers, but Changmin knew that they were rustlers. When they weren’t going around stealing livestock, the Jung boys liked to drink, gamble and cause as much chaos as possible. So, when the younger Kim boy came into the station yelling about the Jung Brothers starting a brawl over at the bar he wasn’t surprised, but what the kid said next did catch him off guard.
“Hurry Sheriff! Chunnie-Hyung can’t fight off all three of them!” Did he mean Yoochun? Changmin had seen the two horsing around at the saloon the other day, the sight of a laughing Yoochun had cause an awful pain in his chest and he had to get as far away as he could from that scene.
“Calm down Kim Junsu. Who is this ‘Chunnie-hyung’?” Deputy Choi asked as they all gathered around the teen.
“Park Yoochun. The Jung Brothers started a fight with him and everyone is too afraid to get involved! Please hurry, I don’t think he can hold them off much longer!” With that, Junsu flew out of the station and raced back to the bar.
The Sheriff and his two deputies followed close behind. When they arrived a moment later, most of the bar patrons had gathered outside; not willing to be caught up in the crossfire. As Changmin eased up to the saloon doors he could see that Ji Hoon and Young Hwa, the oldest and youngest Jung Brothers respectively, were holding Yoochun down on his back on the poker table while Yunho was looming over him.
“Didn’t think I would recognize you with a haircut, Micky?” Yunho sneered as he slid his fingers through Yoochun’s hair and roughly lifted his head. Changmin could now see that Yoochun had a split lip - but why was he being called Micky?
“Been thinking about me that much Jung?” If Yunho was going to rape him again he wasn’t going to show the man fear.
“Oh I have indeed, and mostly about that pretty pouty mouth of yours.” Yunho ran the thumb across Micky’s bottom lip, pulling at the cut. The younger man held back the hiss of pain building up in his throat. “You know I saw your favorite Deputy-hyung two days ago not too far from here. I was surprised when I didn’t see you clinging at his side, but now I’ve found you.” The smile on Yunho’s face brought back memories of the night that he had first come for Micky after Jaejoong had disappeared - with no one to scare the Jungs out of town, the sheriff having been of no use, the Jungs had run of the place and Yunho had had his way with Micky. But he said he had seen Jaejoong, Yoochun needed to know where; he had to keep the asshole talking.
“It doesn’t look like you saw my hyung, where was it that you think you seen him? The last time I remember you two meeting, you ran off with your tail between your legs and a broken nose.” Jaejoong had a wicked right hook.
“It was not a day’s journey from here on horseback and that hyung of yours isn’t so tough anymore - and I never forget the face of a man who dares to defy me …” He leaned in closer, “Nor do I forget the face of a boy as beautiful as you.” And then he kissed Micky. Ravishing the mouth he had dreamed of for weeks, since the last time he had been with the boy. He moaned as he tasted the sweet and salty blood from the younger man’s lips. He would have continued, would have ripped the shirt off of the lithe form and made it shudder and writhe beneath him if it hadn’t been for the sound of a gun being cocked and the feeling of cool metal against the back of his head.
“I suggest you step away from the young man and your brother’s let him go unless you want a bullet inside that thick head of yours.” The two deputies surrounded the group on either side. Yunho did not let go of Yoochun so much as he threw him back against the table - the teen’s head bouncing off the surface with a groan - and drew his guns.
And Yunho was on the ground clutching at his shoulder. Changmin, stunned, looked behind Yunho to see Yoochun supporting himself with his right arm and holding a smoking gun in his left hand. He winked at Changmin before falling back unto the table, unconscious.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Changmin ground out as he dabbed Yoochun’s split lip with some witch hazel soaked cotton.
“You mean the part where I saved your ungrateful life?” Yoochun groused and swatted at Changmin’s rough hands. The Sheriff grabbed a hold of Yoochun’s chin with his other hand and held the youth still.
“I mean the part where you took on three extremely dangerous men. Look at me when I’m talking to you boy!” Yoochun lifted up his liquid brown orbs.
“You think I had a choice? And I’m not a boy!” He pulled out of Changmin’s grasp and leaned his back against the wall. His head was throbbing but the doctor said he’d be fine - minus the egg sized bump on the back of his head.
Changmin snorted. “I know you’re younger than the twenty-on you claim to be - how old are you really Park?”
“Eighteen.” The answer came from a half conscious Jung Yunho who had just had a bullet dug out of his back by the town’s doctor.”Pretty little thing…” he slurred before finally passing out in his jail cell.
“You wanna tell me why he knows that?” Changmin did his best to not sound as jealous as he actually is.
“What makes you think that’s the truth?” Yoochun did his best to cover up the quiver in his voice.
“You ain’t done nothing but lie since you got here Park! Jung may be an asshole but he has no reason to lie about this.” Changmin’s grammar always failed him when he was frustrated.
Yoochun scoffed. “Well Sheriff, you’re very welcome for saving your life, but you won’t have to deal with this liar anymore. I’ll be leaving town tomorrow.” He was going to go find his hyung and forget about his stupid crush on Sheriff Shim. He stomped towards the door of the station.
“Why’d he call you Micky?”
Yoochun froze at the door. “It was the name I used when I used to whore myself out.” He said it to spite the Sheriff, hoping the shocking truth would stun him into silence or maybe even hurt him a little. Yoochun open the door and walked out of the Sheriff’s station without looking back, tears streaking his cheeks.
Changmin fell back onto the chair he had been seated on moments ago. Yoochun was barely a man and had been a prostitute for god knows how long of his childhood. The way Yunho had spoke to him - he should have figured it out on his own. Instead, he forced the teen to admit to something that he was obviously running from.
“Stupid! Stupid! Pabo Changmin!” He was tugged at his hair. Now Yoochun was going to run away from him too and he’d never get the chance to get to know him - to love him.
Yoochun walked into the saloon, he had been renting a room above it, to see the Kim family cleaning up.
“Hyung!” Junsu ran up to him. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine Junsu-ah,” he smiled tiredly. “I’m sorry about the damage Kim-shii.” Yoochun bowed to Junsu’s parents.
“It’s alright Yoochun-shii. It was those Jung Brothers’ fault. You go up to your room and rest.” Mrs. Kim said.
Yoochun nodded and when he heard the shuffling behind him, he knew that Junsu had followed him to his room.
“Can I get you anything hyung?”
“No Su-ah, I’m fine.” He pulled the leather bag out from under the bed and began to pile his clothes inside messily.
“Hyung?” Junsu stared curiously at the luggage.
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow Junsu.” Yoochun sighed, exhausted by the night’s events.
“But, why? Did that Sheriff force you out of town?” Junsu was getting riled up now.
Yoochun gave him a sad smile. “No, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to. Besides, I think I know where to find that hyung of mine, so I should leave early tomorrow. I don’t want to lose him again.” It had been about two and a half weeks of searching for Jaejoong and over a month since he had last seen the man. Know Jaejoong was only a day away and the very thought had Yoochun excited and anxious - what if he is too late and Jaejoong is gone again? What if his hyung doesn’t want to see him - still disgusted in him? All his worries were making his head pound even more. The last thing Yoochun saw before hitting the ground was Junsu’s face contorted in a scream
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