Title: Of Swaggers, Saloons, And Star Badges - Chapter 17
Character/Pairing: Jae/Min/Chun and variations of, minor one-sided YunChun, YooSu bffery
Genre: drama/angst, romance, and a bit of comedy and action, Korean Wild West AU!
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,404
Disclaimer: I have a what?
Previous parts:
Prologue ,
Chapter 1 ,
Chapter 2 ,
Chapter 3 ,
Read more... )
Comments 30
I smell trouble O_O
*Chunnie is always hot XD*
Ahhh, Yoochun would look so awesome like that!! ^_^ *swoons* I'm glad he finally put an end to Yunho :) And so glad that he went back to the saloon, not to the station!! :D Tis a shame that there weren't many people to help, but all went well anyway!! ^_^ *squishes Junsu*
Poor Youngwoon, getting shot :( At least he wasn't too badly hurt though :) Yay Siwon being brave! ^_^ That was really sweet :)
Can't wait for the next chapter!! XD
Siwon was brave, but he had some help... ;D *hint at new story line*
Now I have to think of a new bad guy D:
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Yunho is gone for good ... but a new bad guy may show up soon >:D
Mir is super fun to write, I see him as very playful ;)
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