Jennie: EEE!
Me: hodamn!
Jennie: fuckin' a! dude!
Me: ho! damn!
Jennie: is so exciting!
Me: and now is sad
Jennie: oh pooh, man.
Jennie: and yes, sad :-(
Jennie: condition! hmmmm
Me: hodamn!
Jennie: oh my word
Me: fucking a!
Insightful and profound, no?
Hm...what's new with me? Not a whole lot. Laura's life it boring. Make up interesting stories about my week for me. Yes! I'm going to start a meme.
Life has hit a mid-fall slump. Nothing interesting is going on, and I have no stories to tell you. You should tell stories about me. So, what did I do this week? Tell me, whether you know or not. Make something up. It can't be more boring than reality.
Edit: Also, Karlene! We need to make a conversation date because I keep screwing up the time difference because I am just that cool.