Strange Dream

Feb 27, 2008 18:11

Had a strange dream last night that didn't make nearly as much sense as one would hope. I was preparing to board a plane to Philadelphia from Japan when suddenly by that special power of losing consciousness, I appeared at my destination. I was able to get a refund on my airplane tickets in the form of vouchers. For some strange reason, embedded within these vouchers were alfalfa sprouts and lettuce leaves, supposedly meant as a way to determine when the vouchers expire. Left at the airport, I decided to walk home (yeah, that's totally impossible). On the way, I thought I spooked a dog somewhere in New York (completely not on the way home). During his mad dash towards the river, he was attacked and skinned by a large angry werewolf/warg thingy. Then ambulances galore attacked the river. Lurking forward at the behest of my guilt, I discovered that the dog was not a dog but a fraternal, evil twin of someone I knew. I suppose for the censoring squad in my brain, her skinning was very anime and of somewhat poor quality. She just appeared to be a slight shade of lavender. Without any real explanation, the strange double-teaming, shadowbending friend appeared with an identical twin of the evil twin sister. It turns out that the evil twins are actually fraternal, identical twins of my friend and the person who was brutalized by the werewolf was actually the evil twin sister's nonevil twin. I think she was subsequently stoned to death with strange lump anime-esque lumps appearing where stones fell. Somewhere around there, the brain got sick of the evil cackling, called my parents, and decided to wake up.

I do remember reading about werewolves before bed, but the rest seems rather unrelated to anything else going on in my life. I suppose I should watch out in case I have fraternal, identical twins that aren't all that identical out to get me. I suppose that makes them my fraternal identical triplets? I wonder what people refer to their siblings as in that sort of relationship. Maybe I'll find out. I always thought it might be cool to have twins.

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