So you're working for Yale? Congrats! I completely missed that. What research are you assisting with?
Also, I visited Yale way back in the day I thought I might be able to get in. Isn't the library based on some Cathedral in England? I remember it being rather strange.
Something like that. It's strange when you're staring through the windows at the ends of the stacks into this sorted of vaulted room. Thanks for the congrats :). I decided not to say much until I felt a bit more settled. Meow!
Congratulations on the job! I'm so glad you finally found something that you liked. Facebook tells me you're doing Bipolar research, but I long for a more in-depth discussion of what you're working on. :)
Hello! Our lab looks at biomarkers for depression and bipolar disorder. We basically run people who are in remission from depression through PET and MRS (things that look at brain chemistry) scans to see if there's any sort of underlying biological vulnerability to depression. Some people think that chemical changes in the brain during depressed states can be difficult to understanding, as you kind of get into a chicken and the egg type of quandary. That's why we look at folks who are remitted.
Comments 5
Also, I visited Yale way back in the day I thought I might be able to get in. Isn't the library based on some Cathedral in England? I remember it being rather strange.
Facebook tells me you're doing Bipolar research, but I long for a more in-depth discussion of what you're working on. :)
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