Title: Made Visible
Characters: Izuna and Touka
Pairing: very lightly implied Izuna/Touka
Genre: Humour
Rating: K+
Notes: I keep trying to write Izuna and Touka getting married and it never works (or turns out like this).
Summary: A brief exchange between Izuna and Touka at their wedding.
They’re on the last round of the three-times-three ceremony when it starts.
“The hood doesn’t fit well, does it?” He says, voice barely audible as he hands the cup of sake back to her.
She takes a deeper sip of the sake than strictly necessary before replying.
“What do you mean?”
“Your horns are showing.”
She regrets having taken that sip now but doesn’t let it show. Around them, Senju and Uchiha are warily exchanging cups.
“It is good that this will be a muko-iri marriage as the night will conceal many things,” she murmurs, face perfectly blank.
A variety of looks flicker across his face before he schools it back into the impassive expression he’d worn all day.
“Uchiha men are never found lacking.”
A shrine maiden takes her cup away in a gentle swish of robes, signalling that the next part is about to begin and leaving her reply unspoken.
Brief notes:
The three-times-three ceremony (san-san-kudo) is the ritual exchange of nuptial cups (of sake).