Timeline meme snagged from englishstrawbie

Nov 04, 2007 23:57

35 years ago... 1972. Im not born yet, my parents would have only been like 12!

30 years ago...1977. Yeah they still would have been only teenagers!

25 years ago... 1982. Nope still before my time, my brother would have been born tho, he would be 2.

20 years ago... 1987. Finally I'm alive, I would have just turned 1! Living in Hartlepool in a little terraced house with my parents and brother who would be 7. I could talk fluently at this age I was scared of my Nana and would hide behind the couch whenever she came and I loved it when my brother played with me! I also had a thing for wearing his underpants! lol

15 years ago... 1992. I'm 6!  We  have moved up to Newcastle and I am in class 4 in school. We have just gotten back from our first trip to Florida. My best friend was Gillian and we were inseperable as she lived next door.

10 years ago... 1997. I'm 11. Just back from Florida again! I didn't like this particular year in school, my friends went a bit weird, one went off with someone else and was horrible to me, anothers parents divorced and she moved away and the other became obsessed with her little sister and my Grandad died just before Christmas after a long illness.

5 years ago... 2002. I'm 16 and I went to New York with my family which was amazing. My best friend was Lisa we did everything together. I was seeing my boyfriend Ross on and off  and it was when I first started going clubbing in town. I used to lie to my parents about where i was going and what i got up to. I still dont know to this day if they knew I was lying or not when I said I was sleeping over at an imaginary friends house when infact I was with my boyfriend. haha.

1 year ago... 2006. Well it was a good year I got really close to Lindsey and Jan and we went away together for my birthday which was one of the best experiences ever. I got put on a department that I fell in love with, I went to Florida again! But my Gran got ill and after a long process has ended up in a nursing home which was hard. But I think I grew up a lot this year.

6 months ago...May.I had just got back from Gran Canaria with Lindz so had a lush tan! ha. And I had just booked to go to Vegas. Things at work were a lot better after the thing I had with my boss. I had a fab time at the ball, and I also got really close to more of the girls at work and I got my pay rise. i was realy happy!

Yesterday... had a hangover when I woke up having been out the night before and then later i met up with my old friend i used to work with we went into work to see everybody which was an experience speaking to my old boss. Then we went for some dinner and a few drinks (got a bit tipsy actually) and then I had to help her with her massive heavy suitcase to the train station, we had to leg it over the 2 bridges 4 her to make it in time was so funny!  Then I went shopping and nearly done something so out of character for me, it must have been the alcohol! Then I came home, watched the X Factor and chatted to Em before going to bed!

Today...I had a long lie in! Then I got up and started to clean out my room but my Mam said I wasnt doing a good job and she had to come help me chuck stuff out to make room for all the new stuff I bought in Vegas! Then my auntie and cousins came round and i had hot beef sandwhiches and finished my room! woo!

Tomorrow...I'm off again! going to have another lie in! Then i'm going to get up and hoover my room then i've sky plussed a film so gunna watch that. Then i may go out to meet someone 2moro night, but depends how I feel.
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