Title: The Battle of Evermore: Day Three
Chapter: Three
Word Count: 1,421
Characters: John, Ianto, Stephen, Tosh, Clem MacDonald
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, John/Ianto UST
Summary: A sequel to my stories When the Levee Breaks and Hots on for Nowhere that continues on to Children of Earth.
Rating: T
Warnings: mentions of violence
Spoilers: Seasons 1, 2, & 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or any of its characters
Chapter 2
Author's Note: Sorry this one is so short, but after messing with the timelines, I didn't leave much for Day Three. I promise more for the next one.
The drive back to Cardiff was quiet. It may have been they were exhausted from the previous day's events or it may have been the two dead bodies in the back. Either way, Ianto and John did not feel like talking. Gwen and Jack were planning to meet with Lois Habiba that day and ask her to commit treason to save Earth's children. Ianto wondered how he would have responded to such a proposition but remembered that he had committed treason to save his girlfriend so he supposed he would do it again.
Once back at the Hub, Ianto and John carefully stored Rupesh and Alice's bodies in the morgue. As he slid in the drawer containing Rupesh, John sighed and leaned against the wall of little metal doors.
"Humanity is so frail," John said softly.
Upon seeing the haunted, weary look on John's face, Ianto walked over and pulled him into a gentle embrace. John rested his head on Ianto's shoulder and spoke in a near whisper, "I've travelled the universe in search of riches and adventure, seen planets and creatures beyond imagination, and experienced physical pleasures with seven different senses; yet I will end my days, here, in Wales and be stored in one of these drawers."
Ianto pulled back and clasped John's cheek, placing a soft, lingering kiss to his lips before gazing deeply into his eyes and saying, "No, you won't. The Earth is more than just Cardiff and the Rift; Torchwood is a temporary stop in your journey. When you do die, whether it's in a sword fight on top of a mountain or gunned down by 57 law enforcement agents or old age with your true love by your side, your body will be dismantled, placed on top of a pyre, and burned with a blue flame."
John smiled, "Someone's been studying 51st century burial practices."
Ianto continued, "Humanity may be frail but you are not."
Leaning in, John drew Ianto into a stronger kiss and then held him, thankful for his friend.
As Ianto came out from the morgue, Stephen ran straight into his arms.
"Miss Sato told me you saved Uncle Jack. Thank you," Stephen spoke as he squeezed the Welshman tight before jumping back and exclaiming, "You didn't tell me you had your own dinosaur!"
Ianto smiled, "Her name is Myfanwy. I found her with Uncle Jack; she loves chocolate."
"Can I feed her?"
"Sure, just watch your fingers."
Tosh finished decrypting the message from Jack and her heart raced: Lois had agreed to wear the video contact lenses. She was going to be able to see the aliens; it was the break she needed. Excitedly, she ran over to find Ianto. Clem was wandering the Hub, muttering to himself as he had been for the past day. She wondered if she was supposed to be doing something to entertain him or keep him busy, but she could not think of what to do so she let him be. At that moment, Clem was watching Myfanwy who was screeching happily as Stephen threw pieces of chocolate to her.
Ianto was telling him all about her quirks and behaviors all the while wearing a happy grin on his face. Tosh could not remember the last time she had seen Ianto genuinely smile and almost hated to interrupt them; however, she knew he would not want to miss a second of Lois' broadcast. Even though he had left Torchwood, she knew he was still one of the best analysts of alien physiology.
"Ianto, could you help me with something?" Tosh called out.
Ianto nodded politely and then spoke over his com, "John, could you come up and watch Stephen for me. I love Myfanwy but I don't completely trust her around children."
John, who had been testing weapons in the shooting range, came up and watched as the boy tossed chocolate and the pterodactyl swooped down to grab it. With all his experience in the world, John had very little with children and was unsure of how to act around one. The old man was muttering and happily eating the remaining chocolate. Once Stephen ran out of treats, Myfanwy flew back up to her nest to take a nap.
Stephen turned to John and told him, "Myfanwy likes it here, but she misses Ianto and wished he was around more."
"We all do," John replied, sounding sadder than he intended.
"You love Ianto," Stephen said with a slight grin.
John shifted his weight uncomfortably as Stephen continued, "You used to love Uncle Jack but now you love Ianto and it hurts."
"Does Ianto love me?" John asked as he sat down to be closer to Stephen.
Stephen shook his head as he answered, "No. He likes you but he doesn't love you."
Even though he already knew it, John's face fell but Stephen came closer as he told him, "Ianto loves Uncle Jack, a lot. He loves Uncle Jack so much he doesn't have any left for anyone else."
"What about Uncle Jack? Does he love Ianto?" John asked with increasing curiosity.
"I don't know. Uncle Jack is special and I can't tell who he loves."
"Tell me about Mr. MacDonald: what is he feeling?" John asked as he pointed at Clem.
"He's scared. He likes it in the Hub because it's safe but he's still very frightened of the aliens."
John leaned forward in his chair and spoke softer, "What about Miss Sato?"
"She's nervous. She's always thinking, but she's afraid that she won't be able to stop the aliens."
John smiled brightly, "You're brilliant. Does Uncle Jack know how brilliant you are?"
"I don't get to see Uncle Jack much, but I guess I will now."
"Why's that?"
"Since Mum died, Ianto's going to take care of me."
"He told you that?"
"No, but I can tell," Stephen answered confidently. Suddenly, his demeanor changed and he looked at John with serious, determined eyes as he spoke, "Mr. MacDonald says you have blood on your hands."
John faltered, not knowing how to respond to that but Stephen continued, "Dr. Harper called you a mercenary. I asked Miss Sato what a mercenary is and she said it's someone who's paid to fight."
Supposing there was no use denying it any longer, John answered, "Yes, I was a mercenary for a time."
The boy's eyes turned even darker, "I need your help. You have to find the woman who killed my Mum. She didn't have to kill her but did it because she wanted to. She enjoyed it; she enjoys killing. You have to stop her."
John stared back at the boy's eyes looking for some indication of hesitance or instability but saw only icy resolution. Placing his hands on Stephen's shoulders, he promised, "I will hunt her down and she will pay."
Relief washed over Stephen's face but he soon stopped moving and pointed toward the ceiling. John looked toward Clem who was doing the same thing.
Warily, John told Tosh over the coms, "It's happening again."
"They're going into the room!" Tosh yelled out to Ianto as she intently watched the action in London unfolding.
Ianto gathered behind her with John and Stephen watching as well. Frobisher was talking with the aliens and demanding they stop communicating through the children. The 456 then revealed their reason for coming and announced they wanted 10% of the Earth's children as a gift. Dread passed through Ianto as he turned and looked at Stephen. As if somehow sensing his fear, Stephen went over to him and pulled him down into a hug, whispering, "Don't worry; Uncle Jack will stop them."
Ianto returned the hug, holding onto the boy tightly, hoping he was right.